Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2255: 1968 AA; 1969i

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2255
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

1968 AA
     Dr. Elizabeth Roemer reports that this interesting minor planet
(cf. IAUC 2047, 2053, etc.) has been reobserved as follows:

     1970 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.       Mag.   Note
     June  1.36094    18 39 24.31   +18 06 37.5   19.2     1
           7.26634    18 35 27.30   +19 48 22.7            2
           7.29065    18 35 26.13   +19 48 47.0            2

Note 1.  229-cm Steward Observatory reflector, Kitt Peak.  Observers:
   E. Roemer and R. McCallister.  Measurer: B. Schreur.
   Image decentered by 13'.  Some trouble from cloud.
Note 2.  154-cm Lunar and Planetary Laboratory reflector, Catalina.
   Observers: E. Roemer and R. C. Elliott.  Measurer: R. C. Elliott.

     The object is some 10' from the position predicted on Minor
Planet Circ. No. 3017.  The following revised elements and ephemeris
have been calculated by the undersigned from 11 observations
1968 Jan. 1 to 1970 June 7, including perturbations:

       T = 1970 Nov. 25.3143 ET   Epoch = 1970 Nov. 30.0 ET
   Peri. = 193.8561                   e =   0.505125
   Node  = 187.9688   1950.0          a =   2.148661 AU
   Incl. =  24.0179                   n =   0.3129337
       q =   1.063319 AU              P =   3.150 years

     1970/71 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     June 23    18 19.46    +23 31.8    1.057   1.900   18.7
     July  3    18 06.20    +24 57.1
          13    17 52.27    +25 23.5    0.954   1.768   18.5
          23    17 39.57    +24 47.0
     Aug.  2    17 29.78    +23 10.7    0.898   1.631   18.3
          12    17 24.18    +20 43.0
          22    17 23.43    +17 35.1    0.866   1.494   18.3
     Sept. 1    17 27.71    +13 56.0
          11    17 37.03    + 9 53.2    0.837   1.361   18.2
          21    17 51.28    + 5 32.4
     Oct.  1    18 10.41    + 0 56.9    0.802   1.240   18.1
          11    18 34.52    - 3 49.1
          21    19 03.66    - 8 40.1    0.764   1.141   18.0
          31    19 38.01    -13 27.1
     Nov. 10    20 17.59    -17 56.1    0.739   1.079   17.9
          20    21 02.01    -21 48.8
          30    21 50.35    -24 44.6    0.742   1.065   17.9
     Dec. 10    22 41.00    -26 26.9
          20    23 31.86    -26 48.8    0.786   1.102   18.0
          30     0 20.98    -25 53.5
     Jan.  9     1 07.07    -23 54.2    0.872   1.184   18.2
          19     1 49.52    -21 08.6
          29     2 28.42    -17 54.2    1.001   1.295   18.5
     Feb.  8     3 04.18    -14 27.3
          18     3 37.26    -11 01.1    1.175   1.423   18.9
          28     4 08.16    - 7 44.9
     Mar. 10     4 37.28    - 4 45.7    1.393   1.558   19.3
          20     5 04.90    - 2 07.4
          30     5 31.27    + 0 08.1    1.649   1.695   19.8
     Apr.  9     5 56.57    + 2 00.4
          19     6 20.88    + 3 30.0    1.933   1.830   20.2
          29     6 44.31    + 4 38.3
     May   9     7 06.93    + 5 26.8    2.232   1.961   20.5

       Mag. = 16.5 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.03 (phaseangle)

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1970 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.       Mag.   Observer
     Apr. 15.11758    23 16 17.57   +47 04 47.3          Debehogne
          15.11827    23 16 17.52   +47 04 49.7            "
          15.11897    23 16 17.66   +47 04 51.9            "
          15.11966    23 16 18.19   +47 04 54.0            "
          15.12035    23 16 18.08   +47 04 57.2            "
          15.12104    23 16 18.29   +47 05 01.3            "
          15.12659    23 16 19.78   +47 05 28.3            "
          15.12791    23 16 20.25   +47 05 32.9            "
          15.12999    23 16 20.66   +47 05 42.4            "
          21.08197    23 44 41.96   +53 19 25.8            "
          21.08359    23 44 42.41   +53 19 30.6            "
          26.l2300     0 09 06.70   +57 05 01.9            "
          26.12439     0 09 07.05   +57 05 05.2            "
          26.12578     0 09 07.51   +57 05 08.0            "
          26.12786     0 09 08.03   +57 05 12.4            "
     June  8.72486     3 01 06.84   +68 54 51.9    8     Urata

H. Debehogne (Royal Observatory, Uccie).  40-cm double astroqraph.
   Measurer: G. Roland.  Communicated by J. Dommanget.
T. Urata (Fujikan Center Observatory, Nihondaira, Shimizu,
   Shizuoka).  10.2-cm f/5.4 camera.

1970 June 19                   (2255)              Brian G. Marsden

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