Circular No. 2256 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET KOHOUTEK (1969b) The following precise positions have been reported: 1969/70 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer Oct. 14.77561 18 02 11.38 +27 09 22.1 Kohoutek 14.79113 18 02 11.28 +27 09 19.9 " Nov. 5.72946 18 05 11.06 +26 44 18.9 " 24.73339 18 15 50.88 +27 32 02.9 " Dec. 10.68835 18 29 47.04 +29 19 12.8 " Feb. 28.75969 21 53 08.01 +62 31 16.0 " Mar. 6.77284 22 40 25.99 +65 47 06.7 " 23.78924 1 49 05.52 +68 59 12.8 " 23.80050 1 49 13.30 +68 59 05.6 " 28.92421 2 45 08.51 +67 36 30.8 " Apr. 30.84852 5 52 52.76 +49 21 57.5 Milet 30.85268 5 52 53.23 +49 21 48.8 " 30.87242 5 52 57.01 +49 21 04.8 L. Kohoutek (Hamburg Observatory, Bergedorf). 80-cm f/3 Schmidt. Objective prism plates (4o prism, 580 A/mm at H-gamma) taken between September 1969 and May 1970 show only a continuous spectrum in the region 3600-6700 A. B. Milet (Nice Observatory). 42-cm Zeiss double astrograph. PERIODIC COMET GALE The following ephemeris is from Handbk. Br. astr. Assoc. for 1970, some adjustment having been applied to the magnitude. Variation 1970 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r dR.A. dDecl. Mag. Aug. 2 11 43.82 + 8 58.7 2.410 1.823 -0m71 + 6'8 20.8 12 12 02.32 + 6 13.4 -0.78 + 7.7 22 12 22.45 + 3 15.5 2.353 1.646 -0.85 + 8.7 20.1 Sept. 1 12 44.32 + 0 05.0 -0.95 + 9.8 11 13 08.13 - 3 17.5 2.268 1.479 -1.06 +10.9 19.3 Mag. = 15.0 + 5 log Delta + 15 log r 1970 June 19 (2256) Brian G. Marsden
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