Circular No. 2259 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS PERIODIC COMET ASHBROOK-JACKSON (1970e) Dr. Elizabeth Roemer provides the following precise positions: 1970 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Note May 8.43854 19 04 30.34 -38 43 18.2 1 8.46163 19 04 30.59 -38 43 25.2 1 June 7.35419 18 58 29.28 -41 10 35.1 17.5 2 7.39933 18 58 27.49 -41 10 47.1 2 Note 1. 229-cm Steward Observatory reflector, Kitt Peak. Observers: E. Roemer and R. McCallister. Measurer: E. Roemer. "Comet is involved with a star trail on each plate; point to be bisected is a matter of educated guess." Note 2. 154-cm Lunar and Planetary Lahoratory reflector, Catalina. Observers: E. Roemer and R. C. Eliott. Measurer: B. Schreur. Sharply condensed nucleus, trace of tail northwest. PERIODIC COMET KOPFF (1970c) Dr. A. Mrkos, Klet Observatory, provides the following precise positions: 1970 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. May 29.95734 12 55 10.08 + 2 17 09.2 June 6.93400 12 56 02.22 + 1 46 23.3 COMET WHITE-ORTIZ-BOLELLI (1970f) Mr. T. Seki, Kochi, has determined the following orbital elements from observations May 22 to June 3: T = 1970 May 14.47 ET Peri. = 59.57 Node = 334.33 1950.0 q = 0.00853 AU Incl. = 131.88 PERIODIC COMET NEUJMIN 2 This prediction, by B. G. Marsden, supersedes that in Handbk Br. astr. Assoc. for 1970. It is based on a new computation from the observations in 1916 and 1927, and perturbations by all nine planets have been taken into account The comet, which has now passed unobserved at seven consecutive returns, is particularly well placed for recovery on this occasion. Owing to the action of nongravitational forces, an error of perhaps as much as Delta-T = +/- 2 days can be anticipated. T = 1971 Jan. 7.3144 ET Epoch = 1971 Jan. 9.0 ET Peri. = 213.8278 e = 0.577478 Node = 308.0750 1950.0 a = 3.104806 AU Incl. = 5.3916 n = 0.1801575 q = 1.311849 AU P = 5.471 years Variation 1970/71 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r dR.A. dDecl. Mag. Sept.11 7 38.70 +24 35.4 2.201 1.826 -1m67 + 5'6 20.3 21 8 06.71 +23 10.7 -1.78 + 7.3 Oct. 1 8 35.40 +21 22.3 1.929 1.695 -1.90 + 9.3 19.7 11 9 04.70 +19 09.0 -2.01 +11.4 21 9 34.58 +16 29.9 1.682 1.573 -2.12 +13.6 19.1 31 10 04.97 +13 24.9 -2.22 +15.8 Nov. 10 10 35.83 + 9 55.6 1.470 1.466 -2.32 +17.9 18.5 20 11 07.12 + 6 04.4 -2.40 +19.6 30 11 38.80 + 1 56.0 1.304 1.382 -2.48 +20.9 18.0 Dec. 10 12 10.80 - 2 23.0 -2.55 +21.4 20 12 43.03 - 6 44.7 1.185 1.328 -2.61 +21.0 11.6 30 13 15.32 -11 00.3 -2.65 +19.8 Jan. 9 13 47.40 -15 01.2 1.107 1.312 -2.68 +17.7 17.4 19 14 18.96 -18 40.4 -2.71 +15.1 29 14 49.52 -21 52.8 1.055 1.335 -2.72 +12.1 17.4 Feb. 8 15 18.50 -24 36.0 -2.72 + 9.0 18 15 45.29 -26 50.4 1.013 1.394 -2.74 + 6.0 17.5 28 16 09.19 -28 38.3 -2.77 + 3.3 Mar. 10 16 29.48 -30 03.2 0.970 1.483 -2.83 + 1.0 17.6 20 16 45.51 -31 09.2 -2.93 - 0.8 30 16 56.61 -31 59.6 0.926 1.592 -3.09 - 2.1 17.9 Apr. 9 17 02.27 -32 36.2 -3.29 - 2.6 19 17 02.29 -32 58.5 0.893 1.716 -3.52 - 2.2 18.1 29 16 56.92 -33 03.7 -3.72 - 1.0 May 9 16 47.20 -32 47.9 0.899 1.849 -3.82 + 1.0 18.4 19 16 34.95 -32 09.9 -3.79 + 3.2 29 16 22.35 -31 13.0 0.979 1.986 -3.60 + 5.0 18.9 June 8 16 11.42 -30 05.2 -3.31 + 6.1 18 16 03.45 -28 56.3 1.150 2.124 -2.97 + 6.5 19.6 28 15 58.94 -27 54.1 -2.63 + 6.2 July 8 15 57.88 -27 03.2 1.404 2.261 -2.31 + 5.7 20.3 Mag. = 16.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r 1970 July 6 (2259) Brian G. Marsden
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