Circular No. 2277 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS PERIODIC COMET JACKSON-NEUJMIN (1970k) Mr. Charles T. Kowal, California Institute of Technology, telegraphs that he has located this comet on plates exposed with the 122-cm Schmidt telescope at Palomar, as follows. The comet is diffuse, with central condensation and a tail < 1o. 1970 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Sept. 6.43855 4 19.9 + 7 21 14 7.43855 4 22.1 + 7 10 14 The comet is about 3' south of the position predicted in the Delta-T ~ -7d search ephemeris on IAUC 2240. The elements and complete ephemeris are as follows: T = 1970 Aug. 6.4272 ET Epoch = 1970 Aug. 2.0 ET Peri. = 196.2506 e = 0.654256 Node = 163.2468 1950.0 a = 4.130250 AU Incl. = 14.0424 n = 0.1174193 q = 1.428009 AU P = 8.394 years 1970/71 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m2 Sept.11 4 29.78 + 6 33.0 0.926 1.486 18.1 21 4 48.27 + 4 30.8 Oct. 1 5 02.13 + 2 19.7 0.895 1.565 18.2 11 5 11.04 + 0 07.8 21 5 14.95 - 1 55.7 0.883 1.667 18.4 31 5 14.04 - 3 40.8 Nov. 10 5 09.00 - 4 56.9 0.907 1.788 18.8 20 5 01.09 - 5 35.8 30 4 51.87 - 5 33.8 0.994 1.921 19.3 Dec. 10 4 43.05 - 4 53.1 20 4 35.99 - 3 41.3 1.162 2.061 20.0 30 4 31.49 - 2 08.0 Jan. 9 4 29.89 - 0 22.6 1.411 2.205 20.7 PERIODIC COMET BORRELLY (1967 VIII) Mr. K. Tomita, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, provides the following precise positions. The Dec. 8 position was obtained with the 50/65/100-cm Schmidt at Dodaira; all the others were obtained with the 188-cm reflector at Okayama. 1967/68 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Oct. 5.58257 10 45 02.32 +28 45 43.2 5.58328 10 45 03.61 +28 45 39.9 7.83109 10 50 19.22 +28 37 24.6 8.82693 10 52 54.56 +28 33 15.5 Dec. 8.81979* 13 01 00.19 +26 14 56.7 Jan. 30.77164** 13 52 35.95 +31 39 10.2 *Tail 3' in p.a. - 60p. **Tail 1' in p.a. 60o. COMET WHITE-ORTIZ-BOLELLI (1970f) The Rev. F. W. Gerber, Lucas Gonzalez, Argentina, informs us that the date of his independent discovery of this comet (cf. IAUC 2251) is incorrect: he first saw the comet on May 23.9, not May 22.9. He informs us also that he learned on May 24 that Alberto O. Bernhardt, a student of agronomy at Lucas Gonzalez, observed the narrow tail of the comet on May 22.9. COMET TAGO-SATO-KOSAKA (1969g) The following precise positions have been obtained at the Bucharest Observatory by C. Cristescu, V. Ionescu and Gh. Bocsa: 1970 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer Feb. 5.70263 2 20 21.11 +27 44 15.8 Cristescu 5.71994 2 20 25.71 +27 45 38.1 " 9.69206 2 37 57.44 +32 36 23.0 " 9.71284 2 38 24.35 +32 37 40.2 " 10.70127 2 42 01.29 +33 35 52.9 Ionescu 10.70700 2 42 01.59 +33 36 10.3 " 18.72132 3 09 59.90 +39 33 01.1 " 18.74087 3 10 03.39 +39 33 42.1 " Mar. 3.72561 3 46 09.71 +44 49 33.4 " 3.74639 3 46 12.28 +44 49 58.8 " 5.73193 3 51 09.13 +45 22 58.3 " 5.74854 3 51 11.52 +45 23 17.3 " 6.73197 3 53 37.48 +45 38 44.2 Bocsa 6.75690 3 53 41.21 +45 39 08.8 " 7.79802 3 56 09.65 +45 54 47.6 Cristescu 7.81360 3 56 12.02 +45 54 54.1 " 11.73149 4 05 35.07 +46 47 53.4 Bocsa 11.74949 4 05 37.89 +46 48 00.1 " 30.76135 4 48 04.42 +49 44 22.4 Cristescu 1970 September 10 (2277) Brian G. Marsden
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