Circular No. 2291 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS WHITE DWARF VARIABLE Drs. B. M. Lasker and J. E. Hesser, Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, write: "The DA-type white dwarf R 548 (Eggen and Greenstein No. 10) is a light variable with a period of 213 +/- 1 seconds. The peak amplitude varies, and a representative value is approximately 0.011 magnitude in integrated light. The light curve is nearly sinusoidal in our measurements on four nights at the Cerro Tololo 91-cm telescope. V-magnitude measurements made on November 14-15 confirm the published value. This is the third known white dwarf variable - the others being G44-32 and HL Tau - and with the exception of Nova DQ Her and the pulsars may be the shortest period variable star." PERIODIC COMET VAISALA 1 The following ephemeris, by S. W. Milbourn and G. Lea, is from Handbk Br. astr. Assoc. for 1971. For dT = +1d 1970 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r dR.A. dDecl. m2 Jan. 9 6 14.21 +13 11.0 1.981 2.934 -1.10 - 1.6 19.7 19 6 05.93 +13 50.8 -1.07 - 1.8 29 5 59.15 +14 37.2 1.978 2.811 -1.03 - 2.1 19.5 Feb. 8 5 54.61 +15 28.2 -0.99 - 2.3 18 5 52.76 +16 21.5 2.059 2.688 -0.95 - 2.5 19.4 28 5 53.80 +17 15.5 -0.92 - 2.6 Mar. 10 5 57.74 +18 08.2 2.188 2.568 -0.89 - 2.7 19.3 20 6 04.44 +18 58.1 -0.88 - 2.7 30 6 13.71 +19 43.5 2.329 2.451 -0.88 - 2.6 19.2 Apr. 9 6 25.33 +20 22.8 -0.89 - 2.5 19 6 39.05 +20 54.5 2.462 2.339 -0.91 - 2.3 19.1 29 6 54.67 +21 17.3 -0.94 - 2.1 May 9 7 11.97 +21 29.8 2.574 2.234 -0.97 - 1.8 19.0 19 7 30.74 +21 30.7 -1.00 - 1.4 29 7 50.81 +21 19.1 2.661 2.137 -1.04 - 1.0 18.9 June 8 8 11.98 +20 53.9 -1.07 - 0.4 18 8 34.09 +20 14.8 2.723 2.051 -1.11 + 0.1 18.8 28 8 56.96 +19 21.3 -1.14 + 0.8 m2 = 13.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r 1970 December 1 (2291) Brian G. Marsden
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