Circular No. 2295 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS PSR 0740-28 A cable from the Laboratorio Nazionale di Radioastronomia, Bologna, reports that Salter has discovered a pulsar at 408 MHz in the position R.A. = 7h40m48s +/- 2s, Decl. = -28o +/- 0.5o. The pulse period is 0s167, and the dispersion measure is 80 +/- 15. The pulse half-power width is less than or equal to 10 ms. PERIODIC COMET SCHWASSMANN-WACHMANN 1 The following ephemeris, by P. Herget, is from Publ. Cincinnati Obs. (1968) No. 23. 1971 TT R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r Jan. 29 16 55.87 -30 56.2 6.568 6.019 Feb. 8 17 02.75 -31 13.9 6.427 6.010 18 17 08.87 -31 30.9 6.273 6.001 28 17 14.12 -31 47.3 6.112 5.992 Mar. 10 17 18.33 -32 03.1 5.945 5.983 20 17 21.43 -32 18.2 5.778 5.975 30 17 23.32 -32 32.5 5.614 5.966 Apr. 9 17 23.90 -32 45.5 5.457 5.957 19 17 23.20 -32 56.9 5.312 5.948 29 17 21.20 -33 05.8 5.184 5.940 May 9 17 18.03 -33 11.6 5.076 5.931 19 17 13.90 -33 13.5 4.991 5.923 29 17 09.03 -33 10.9 4.934 5.914 June 8 17 03.77 -33 03.7 4.904 5.906 18 16 58.47 -32 52.1 4.904 5.897 28 16 53.50 -32 36.6 4.933 5.889 July 8 16 49.18 -32 18.3 4.989 5.880 18 16 45.80 -31 58.4 5.070 5.872 28 16 43.52 -31 38.2 5.172 5.864 Aug. 7 16 42.48 -31 18.8 5.291 5.856 17 16 42.72 -31 00.9 5.424 5.848 27 16 44.23 -30 45.2 5.566 5.839 Sept. 6 16 46.98 -30 31.9 5.714 5.831 16 16 50.87 -30 21.0 5.862 5.823 26 16 55.82 -30 12.4 6.007 5.816 Oct. 6 17 01.72 -30 05.6 6.146 5.808 16 17 08.47 -30 00.3 6.276 5.800 OBSERVATIONS OF COMETS Mr. M. P. Candy, Perth Observatory, sends the following positions of comets 1970b (P/Pons-Winnecke), 1970c (P/Kopff), 1970d (P/d'Arrest) and 1970e (P/Ashbrook-Jackson). They replace some of the positions that appeared on IAUC 2275, 2276, 2278 and 2283. The July 7 position of comet 1970b (IAUC 2278) is to be discarded. Comet 1970 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. Observer 1970b July 27.54444 14 19 40.89 -12 33 23.0 Gans 1970c Aug. 13.48611 14 20 49.19 -10 09 30.4 Candy 13.49236 14 20 49.91 -10 09 39.2 " 1970d Aug. 11.90104 4 34 53.11 + 6 21 16.7 Punko 1970e July 30.60486 18 11 35.99 -41 26 55.4 Candy Aug. 4.64375 18 08 52.46 -41 03 42.0 Harris 5.61667 18 08 26.17 -40 58 50.9 Gans PERIODIC COMET ENCKE (1970l) The following precise positions have been reported: 1970 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Nov. 17.82249 22 02 53.17 +19 47 12.7 Mrkos 23.72878 21 32 42.24 +15 44 38.4 " 25.75811 21 22 44.59 +14 17 32.1 " 25.85069 21 22 16.91 +14 13 34.6 Antal 25.86250 21 22 13.67 +14 13 02.2 " 26.75694 21 17 54.32 +13 34 07.9 " 26.80992 21 17 37.91 +13 31 44.4 Mrkos 27.76694 21 13 03.18 +12 49 48.8 " 28.69653 21 08 36.36 +12 08 59.5 Antal 28.72847 21 08 26.61 +12 07 27.6 " 28.75035 21 08 27.46 +12 07 17.7 Mrkos 30.73898 20 58 54.3 +10 37 48 9.5 Locher Dec. 4.69288 20 40 15.46 + 7 36 32.6 Mrkos 5.38646 20 36 58.01 + 7 04 20.7 8.5 Seki 5.39063 20 36 56.93 + 7 04 08.6 " 6.70553 20 30 40.56 + 6 01 51.8 Mrkos 6.72887 20 30 33.2 + 6 00 46 9.5 Locher A. Mrkos (Klet Observatory). M. Antal (Skalnate Pleso Obs.). Communicated by L. Pajdusakova. K. Locher (Grut-Wetzikon, Switzerland). T. Seki (Kochi Observatory). 1970 December 29 (2295) Brian G. Marsden
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