Circular No. 2708 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS 433 EROS The following precise positions have been reported: 1974 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. mpg Observer Sept.15.88146 4 01 26.49 +40 27 43.6 12 Mrkos 15.88910 4 01 27.56 +40 27 53.0 " 16.89532 4 04 03.12 +40 47 03.0 12 Petrovicova 16.90227 4 04 04.22 +40 47 11.2 " 17.91649 4 06 41.45 +41 06 30.9 12 " 17.92344 4 06 42.56 +41 06 38.2 " 19.69028 4 11 18.69 +41 40 13.3 Koishikawa Oct. 6.33958 4 56 43.63 +46 44 56.9 Scovil 6.36458 4 56 47.65 +46 45 28.4 " A. Mrkos and Ruzena Petrovicova (Klet Observatory). M. Koishikawa (JCPM Ayashi Station). 20-cm f/5 astrograph. Long. = -140o46'57", Lat. = +38o15'44", h = 110 m. Measurer: S. Kasahara. Computer: N. Satake. From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 556. C. E. Scovil (Stamford Museum). 56-cm Maksutov telescope. Predicted circumstances for the occultation of kappa Gem A on 1975 Jan. 24.0 UT are still uncertain. The Klet observations above suggest that the track given on IAUC 2695 should be shifted eastward by 14o at Lat. = +45o, by 10o at Lat. = +40o, and by some 6o at Lat. = +30o and farther south; but it will be some time before the track can be pinned down with any accuracy. Mr. G. E. Taylor, H.M. Nautical Almanac Office, points out that Eros will make a close approach to BD +51 1128 (= SAO 025467, mv = 6.6) on Oct. 25.15 UT. It is unlikely that there will be an occultation, but accurate observations of the minimum separation (indicated as 23" at the center of the earth, 13" at the north pole) could help to improve the prediction for the kappa Gem event. PERIODIC COMET SCHWASSMANN-WACHMANN 1 The recent outburst (cf. IAUC 2705, 2706) was independently detected by the Rev. L. Boethin, of Abra, The Philippines. He sends the followinq total visual magnitude estimates, obtained using a 20-cm reflector: Sept. 20.67 UT, 12.3; 22.71, 12.1. The coma was round and diffuse, some 2' to 3' in diameter. 1974 October 15 (2708) Brian G. Marsden
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