Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2758
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1975 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Feb. 10.41198     1 35 20.10   +14 51 57.2  11-11.5 Urata
          10.75491     1 36 50.31   +15 01 50.0   12.0   Mrkos
          10.78789     1 36 59.16   +15 02 51.6            "
          11.40417     1 39 41.91   +15 20 45.0  11-11.5 Urata
          11.74518     1 41 12.03   +15 30 34.3   12.5   Mrkos
          11.75144     1 41 13.20   +15 30 43.7            "
          12.74205     1 45 35.72   +15 59 00.1   12.5     "
          13.81774     1 50 20.00   +16 29 07.2   12     Ferreri
          13.82813     1 50 22.74   +16 29 35.5            "
          15.40498     1 57 19.42   +17 12 44.6  11-11.5 Urata
          15.40833     1 57 20.37   +17 12 49.3            "
     Mar.  3.17917     3 06 23.30   +23 12 06.2          Giclas
           5.06083     3 14 27.62   +23 45 34.1          McCrosky
           5.20069     3 15 03.67   +23 47 54.4          Giclas

T. Urata (Nihondaira Observatory).  15-cm f/6 reflector.  From
   Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 633.
A. Mrkos (Klet Observatory)
W. Ferreri (Pino Torinese Observatory).  Diffuse without nucleus.
H. L. Giclas (Lowell Observatory).  Measurer: Mary Lou Kantz.
R. E. McCrosky (Harvard College Observatory, Agassiz Station).
   155-cm reflector.  Measurer: C. Y. Shao.

     Mr. J. E. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, sends the following
total visual magnitude estimates, obtained with a 32-cm reflector:
Mar. 5.03 UT, 12.5; 6.02, 12.4; 7.02, 12.5; 10.04, 12.6.

     It is now clear that the comet is a short-period one, but e is
larger than indicated in orbit 2 on IAUC 2749, and there has been
no recent close approach to Jupiter.  The following orbital elements,
by B. G. Marsden, satisfy 24 observations Feb. 5 to Mar. 5
within 3" and most of the rough January observations within 2':

       T = 1975 Jan. 5.964 ET
   Peri. =  11.544                    e =   0.79522
   Node  =  26.745   1950.0           a =   5.35986 AU
   Incl. =   5.917                    n =   0.079428
       q =   1.09761 AU               P =  12.41 years

     1975 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m1
     Mar.  9     3 31.20    +24 49.2    1.411   1.407   12.7
          14     3 51.99    +25 57.4
          19     4 12.24    +26 52.3    1.533   1.494   13.2
          24     4 31.87    +27 35.1
          29     4 50.84    +28 06.7    1.672   1.586   13.6
     Apr.  3     5 09.11    +28 28.2
           8     5 26.69    +28 40.7    1.824   1.680   14.1
          13     5 43.57    +28 45.3
          18     5 59.78    +28 43.0    1.988   1.775   14.5

          28     6 30.21    +28 21.1
     May   8     6 58.21    +27 40.8    2.336   1.970   15.3
          18     7 24.05    +26 47.0
          28     7 47.96    +25 43.1    2.695   2.164   16.0
     June  7     8 10.17    +24 31.9
          17     8 30.93    +23 15.3    3.048   2.357   16.6

              m1 = 10.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

     Mr. C. Torres, Department of Astronomy, University of Chile,
provides the following precise position, obtained by S. Barros and
himself at Cerro El Roble.  Measurer: M. Wischnjewsky.

     1975 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.
     Apr. 10.40441    21 24 46.90   -16 59 32.3

     Mr. D. Herald, Woden, near Canberra, provides the following
precise positions, obtained with a 20-cm reflector:

     1972 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.
     Apr. 17.37097     2 50 30.71   -50 46 19.2
          30.39618     5 54 35.63   -39 13 07.0
     May   2.39583     6 15 23.93   -36 10 49.4
           3.42222     6 25 08.63   -34 35 33.7
           6.40625     6 50 15.05   -30 01 11.1
           7.41319     6 57 44.53   -28 30 59.8
           8.42847     7 04 51.66   -27 02 03.9
          11.40486     7 23 25.79   -22 54 50.2
          14.40833     7 39 18.17   -19 08 37.6

1975 March 13                  (2758)              Brian G. Marsden

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