Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2773
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     J. E. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, writes that a maximum of
this star is in progress.  Recent visual magnitude estimates are:
Apr. 12.06 UT, [14.2; 14.08, [14.0; 16.4, 12.2 (this observation is
by R. Annal, Barstow, California); 20.07, 11.4; 21.07, 11.5; 22.08,
11.6; 23.07, 11.8.  The period of the star is about 203.8 days;
see also Howarth (1975, J. Br. Astron. Assoc. 85, 120).

     The following ephemeris, by P. Herget, is from Publ. Cincinnati
Obs. (1968) No. 23:

     1975/76 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r
     June  7     1 05.22    +14 28.8    6.052   5.532
          17     1 10.82    +15 17.1    5.923   5.536
          27     1 15.72    +16 02.2    5.785   5.539
     July  7     1 19.82    +16 43.8    5.640   5.542
          17     1 23.05    +17 21.1    5.491   5.546
          27     1 25.28    +17 53.5    5.341   5.549
     Aug.  6     1 26.45    +18 20.5    5.193   5.553
          16     1 26.48    +18 41.2    5.053   5.556
          26     1 25.38    +18 55.1    4.925   5.560
     Sept. 5     1 23.17    +19 01.5    4.812   5.563
          15     1 19.97    +19 00.1    4.718   5.567
          25     1 15.93    +18 51.1    4.649   5.570
     Oct.  5     1 11.33    +18 34.9    4.607   5.574
          15     1 06.50    +18 12.6    4.594   5.578
          25     1 01.75    +17 46.1    4.611   5.581
     Nov.  4     0 57.43    +17 17.4    4.659   5.585
          14     0 53.83    +16 48.8    4.734   5.589
          24     0 51.18    +16 22.5    4.835   5.593
     Dec.  4     0 49.65    +16 00.3    4.958   5.597
          14     0 49.28    +15 43.9    5.098   5.601
          24     0 50.10    +15 33.9    5.250   5.605
     Jan.  3     0 52.08    +15 31.0    5.410   5.609
          13     0 55.15    +15 35.1    5.574   5.613
          23     0 59.18    +15 45.9    5.736   5.617
     Feb.  2     1 04.10    +16 03.1    5.893   5.621
          12     1 09.80    +16 26.0    6.042   5.625
          22     1 16.17    +16 53.8    6.179   5.629

     The following improved orbital elements, by B. G. Marsden, are
from 31 observations 1974 Nov. 12 to 1975 Mar. 4.  Perturbations by
all nine planets were taken into account.  The osculating value of
1/a = -0.000668 +/- 0.000054 (m.e.) AU**-1, and the 'original' value is
close to zero.

                      Epoch = 1974 Aug. 21.0 ET
       T = 1974 Aug. 8.1758 ET      Peri. = 151.8041
       e =   1.004022               Node  = 225.4025   1950.0
       q =   6.019617 AU            Incl. =  60.8578

     1975/76 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     Mar. 15     4 13.19    +47 27.1    1.668   1.754    9.6
     June 17     3 12.77    +17 47.6    7.218   6.404   19.4
          27     3 19.17    +17 31.6
     July  7     3 25.08    +17 12.0    7.049   6.452   19.3
          17     3 30.41    +16 48.3
          27     3 35.06    +16 20.1    6.821   6.503   19.3
     Aug.  6     3 38.95    +15 47.0
          16     3 42.00    +15 08.9    6.558   6.556   19.3
          26     3 44.13    +14 25.4
     Sept. 5     3 45.29    +13 36.7    6.291   6.612   19.2
          15     3 45.44    +12 43.0
          25     3 44.58    +11 44.5    6.056   6.669   19.2
     Oct.  5     3 42.76    +10 42.2
          15     3 40.07    + 9 37.2    5.893   6.729   19.1
          25     3 36.66    + 8 30.8
     Nov.  4     3 32.74    + 7 24.9    5.834   6.791   19.1
          14     3 28.55    + 6 21.3
          24     3 24.35    + 5 21.8    5.903   6.855   19.2
     Dec.  4     3 20.39    + 4 28.0
          14     3 16.92    + 3 41.1    6.098   6.921   19.3
          24     3 14.12    + 3 01.7
     Jan.  3     3 12.13    + 2 30.1    6.396   6.989   19.5
          13     3 11.05    + 2 05.9
          23     3 10.89    + 1 48.6    6.763   7.058   19.6
     Feb.  2     3 11.66    + 1 37.1
          12     3 13.31    + 1 30.6    7.156   7.129   19.8
          22     3 15.78    + 1 27.9
     Mar.  3     3 18.99    + 1 28.0    7.538   7.202   20.0
          13     3 22.86    + 1 29.8
          23     3 27.30    + 1 32.4    7.879   7.276   20.1
     Apr.  2     3 32.21    + 1 34.9
          12     3 37.51    + 1 36.5    8.154   7.352   20.2

               m2 = 7.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

1975 May 5                     (2773)              Brian G. Marsden

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