Circular No. 2777 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS PERIODIC COMET SMIRNOVA-CHERNYKH (1975e) The following precise positions have been reported: 1975 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Apr. 9.89378 9 15 05.13 +23 43 23.3 15.5 Waterfield 15.87903 9 16 03.16 +23 29 53.5 Chernykh 15.95392 9 16 03.66 +23 29 39.4 15.5 Rutter 30.55972 9 21 08.19 +22 44 28.2 15 Seki R. L. Waterfield and G. H. Rutter (Woolston Observatory). Measurer: Waterfield. Diffuse coma with only slight condensation, about 30" in diameter. N. S. Chernykh (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory). Measurer: T. M. Smirnova. Reduced at I.T.A., Leningrad. T. Seki (Kochi Observatory, Geisei Station). Dr. G. R. Kastel', Institute for Theoretical Astronomy, Leningrad, provides the following continuation to the ephemeris. The prediscovery ephemeris for the 1973/74 opposition is derived from her work; the comet would have been of total magnitude perhaps 16. 1973 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. m2 1973/74 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. m2 Sept.25 5 40.5 +22 40 Dec. 14 5 20.5 +23 45 Oct. 5 5 43.8 +22 49 19.2 24 5 13.2 +23 48 18.7 15 5 45.4 +22 58 Jan. 3 5 06.6 +23 51 25 5 45.3 +23 07 19.0 13 5 01.1 +23 53 18.7 Nov. 4 5 43.3 +23 16 23 4 57.2 +23 56 14 5 39.6 +23 24 18.8 Feb. 2 4 55.2 +24 01 18.8 24 5 34.2 +23 32 12 4 55.2 +24 08 Dec. 4 5 27.7 +23 39 18.7 22 4 57.0 +24 16 18.9 1975 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m2 May 28 9 39.19 +20 41.4 June 7 9 47.88 +19 46.3 3.845 3.578 18.7 17 9 57.43 +18 46.5 27 10 07.67 +17 42.5 4.087 3.576 18.8 July 7 10 18.47 +16 34.7 17 10 29.73 +15 23.5 4.289 3.575 18.9 27 10 41.34 +14 09.4 Corrigendum: On IAUC 2772, for S. Waaland, read D. Waaland. 1975 May 9 (2777) Brian G. Marsden
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