Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 2830: N Cyg 1975; A0620-00

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2830
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following photoelectric magnitudes have been reported:

     1975 UT       V    B - V  U - B  V - R  R - I  b - y  Observer
     Aug. 30.3    1.98  +0.51  -0.81  +0.57  +0.15         Strittmatter
          30.40   2.01                              +0.40  Fawley
          30.52   2.02                                       "
          31.25   1.92  +0.64  -0.11                       Schommer
          31.3    1.87  +0.62  -0.65  +0.82  +0.21         Strittmatter
          31.33   1.90  +0.64  +0.02                       Tedesco
          31.51   2.02  +0.65  -0.15                       Schommer
     Sept. 1.3    2.26  +0.55  -0.69  +1.03  +0.20         Strittmatter
           1.31   2.61  +0.49  -0.21                       Tedesco
           1.47   2.80  +0.49  -0.40                       Schommer
           2.18   3.73  +0.34  -0.52                         "
           2.19   3.96                              +0.38  Fawley
           2.32   4.19                              +0.35    "
           2.38   4.24                              +0.34    "
           2.47   4.02  +0.31  -0.54                       Schommer

P. A. Strittmatter et al. (University of Arizona).
W. Fawley (University of California, Berkeley).
R. Schommer and J. Deeter (University of Washington).  From the
   extremely rapid decline G. Wallerstein deduces M_v = -9.2.
E. F. Tedesco, A. Herzog, T. Schneeberger and G.Garwood(New Mexico
   State University).  Comparison star epsilon Cyg.  Errors ~ +/- 0.02.

     The following recent visual magnitude estimates have been
reported: Sept. 3.07, 4.2 (C. Sherrod, North Little Rock, Arkansas);
3.10, 3.7 (D. di Cicco, Waltham, Massachusetts); 3.21, 4.8
(Sherrod); 4.07, 4.8 (L. Jacchia, Cambridge, Massachusetts); 4.08,
4.9 (Sherrod); 4.10, 4.7 (di Cicco).

     P. R. Warren, South African Astronomical Observatory, reports:
"Blue band observations made by Robertson using the 51-cm telescope
at Sutherland on Aug. 22, 23, 24 and 25 UT for periods of about 1.5
hr and with time resolution of about 3 min show the optical candidate
for A0620-00 to have an approximately constant B magnitude of
11.3, but to show variations of 0.1 magnitude on time scales of
between 30 and 60 min.  B-V values ranged between +0.05 and +0.70."

1975 September 4               (2830)              Brian G. Marsden

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