Circular No. 2831 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET KOBAYASHI-BERGER-MILON (1975h) Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1975 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer July 19.59479 19 38 31.00 +38 52 28.0 Taguchi 19.62604 19 37 53.36 +39 00 46.2 " 29.52616 14 44 01.02 +58 13 50.5 Kurosaki 29.54618 14 43 32.10 +58 13 05.2 Suzuki 29.54693 14 43 31.01 +58 13 05.7 " 30.50600 14 21 26.03 +57 30 43.2 Kurosaki 30.59488 14 19 31.84 +57 26 10.0 " Aug 1.85312 13 38 39.21 +55 19 39.2 Milet 1.87184 13 38 21.87 +55 18 30.6 " 3.48435 13 16 20.40 +53 41 32.4 Kasahara 3.48725 13 16 18.03 +53 41 21.4 " 4.52274 13 04 30.65 +52 39 58.4 Taguchi 4.53918 13 04 19.66 +52 38 59.6 4.5 Kurosaki 4.55098 13 04 12.19 +52 38 17.9 " 5.48854 12 54 48.83 +51 44 17.9 Taguchi 5.49063 12 54 47.62 +51 44 08.3 " 12.84844 12 05 41.08 +45 40 58.8 Ferreri 12.84983 12 05 40.59 +45 40 53.0 " 18.84149 11 40 39.78 +41 40 33.6 " 18.84288 11 40 39.47 +41 40 31.5 " T. Taguchi (JCPM Sapporo), T. Kurosaki (Utsunomiya), K. Suzuki (JCPM Oi) and S. Kasahara (Sendai Observatory). Measurers: M. Takeishi, Kurosaki, T. Urata and Kasahara. From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. Nos. 678, 681, 683 and 686. B. Milet (Nice Observatory). W. Ferreri (Pino Torinese Observatory). E. P. Ney, J. Stoddart and B. Hatfield, University of Minnesota, report the following infrared magnitudes, obtained on Aug. 27.7 UT with a diaphragm of 27": 1.2 um, 6.7.; 3.5 um, 2.5; 4.8 um, +0.5; 8.5 um, -2.0; 10.6 um, -2.8; 12.5 um, -3.1. Further selected total visual magnitude estimates, coma diameters and tail information: Aug. 28.04 UT, 4.7, 2'.7, 7o.5 in p.a. 28o (J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, 10 x 50 binoculars); 29.04, 5.3, 3' - (W. Nissen, Arlington, Virginia, 7 x 50 binoculars); 31.15, 4.0, 4', 10o in 55o (M. Mayo, Agoura, California, 7 x 35 binoculars). 1975 September 4 (2831) Brian G. Marsden
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