Circular No. 2847 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS COMET MORI-SATO-FUJIKAWA (1975j) K. Osawa, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, cables the following observations of a comet independently discovered by Hiroaki Mori (Gifu), Yasuo Sato (Tochigi) and Shigehisa Fujikawa (Kagawa). The comet is probably moving to the southeast. All three observers described the comet as diffuse, with neither condensation nor tail. 1975 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Oct. 5.74306 8 20 + 3 00 10 Mori 5.75694 8 21 + 3 10 11 Sato 5.79167 8 21 + 3 13 11 Fujikawa COMET SUZUKI-SAIGUSA-MORI (1975k) The same cablegram also reports the discovery of another comet by Shigenori Suzuki (Aichi), Yoshikazu Saigusa (Yamanashi), Hiroaki Mori (Gifu), Kiyomi Okazaki (Yamagata) and Shigeru Furuyama (Ibaraki). There is no information about the comet's motion. This comet is also diffuse, with neither condensation nor tail. 1975 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Oct. 5.77778 11 12 +43 40 9 Suzuki 5.79167 11 11 +43 42 9 Saigusa 5.79167 11 10 +44 00 8 Mori 5.79306 11 11 +43 42 9 Okazaki 5.79861 11 11 +43 45 9 Furuyama PERIODIC COMET KOHOUTEK (1975c) L. Kohoutek, Hamburg Observatory, provides the following precise positions, obtained with the 80-cm Schmidt telescope. Measurer: M. Dieckvoss. The image of the comet on the first plate is probably disturbed by a star. 1975 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mar. 30.85347 5 58 45.63 +20 20 41.0 31.83368 6 01 24.76 +20 18 57.6 1975 October 7 (2847) Brian G. Marsden
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