Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 2991: SN IN NGC 7117; HD 5980; 1976i; 1973 EA

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2991
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     J. R. Dunlap, Corralitos Observatory, Northwestern University,
reports the discovery of a supernova 7" west and 13" south of the
nucleus of NGC 7177.  The object was estimated at mv = 16.5 on Sept.
28.2 UT, but the brightness was not appreciably different on Sept.
23.2 and 27.2.  Supernova 1960L was in the same galaxy.

HD 5980
     M. W. Feast and A. D. Thackeray, South African Astronomical
Observatory, draw attention to the following erratum, published in
Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. (1972) 155, 383, concerning HD
5980 = R14 (cf. IAUC 2989): "In Fig. 3 [of Feast et al. 1960, ibid.
121, 337], the identification of R14 (HD 5980) should refer to the
star 6.5 mm to the left of the marked 'star', which is in fact a
compact group [HD 5942] surrounded by a faint nebulosity."

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Aug. 20.61181    20 37 55.91   - 4 37 28.0   15.5   Seki
          25.87734    20 33 42.66   - 5 11 08.9   16.2   Mrkos
          25.89175    20 33 42.01   - 5 11 16.1            "
          26.86863    20 32 57.71   - 5 17 46.5   16.0   Vavrova
          26.88322    20 32 57.11   - 5 17 54.1            "
          28.84757    20 31 31.37   - 5 31 09.3   16.2   Mrkos
          28.86198    20 31 30.80   - 5 31 14.8            "

T. Seki (Geisei).  From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 134.
A. Mrkos and Vavrova (Klet Observatory).

1973 EA
     The following precise position was measured by C. Y. Shao from
an exposure by R. E. McCrosky, Harvard Observatory, Agassiz Station:

     1975 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.
     Dec.  1.95928    20 49 26.01   -13 58 20.4

1976 September 30              (2991)              Brian G. Marsden

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