Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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                                                  Circular No. 2992
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following prediction, by G. Sitarski, Warsaw University,
is based on the 1972 elements in the Catalogue of Cometary Orbits,
except that T and q were adjusted with the help of the two 1966
observations and four of those from 1972.  Perturbations by all nine
planets have been carried forward to 1977.

       T = 1977 Apr. 11.0080 ET   Epoch = 1977 Apr. 7.0 ET
   Peri. = 359.3233                   e =     0.664708
   Node  = 212.6448   1950.0          a =     2.962731 AU
   Incl. =  21.1049                   n =     0.1932705
       q =   0.993379 AU              P =     5.100 years
                                                        For dT = +0.1d
     1976/77 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     dR.A.  dDecl.   m2
     Nov. 18     8 45.27    - 8 24.1    1.620   2.014   -0m19  + 0'6   20.6
          28     8 56.97    -11 51.2                    -0.22  + 0.8
     Dec.  8     9 07.86    -15 41.3    1.283   1.841   -0.27  + 0.9   19.7
          18     9 17.84    -19 55.9                    -0.32  + 1.1
          28     9 26.78    -24 35.8    0.988   1.664   -0.39  + 1.3   18.7
     Jan.  7     9 34.69    -29 40.8                    -0.49  + 1.7
          17     9 41.66    -35 10.8    0.741   1.487   -0.62  + 2.2   17.6
          27     9 48.06    -41 04.8                    -0.81  + 3.0
     Feb.  6     9 55.07    -47 24.5    0.539   1.316   -1.09  + 4.1   16.3

          16    10 05.28    -54 18.9    0.451   1.236   -1.55  + 5.6   15.7
          21    10 13.44    -58 04.7
          26    10 25.91    -62 07.8    0.370   1.163   -2.45  + 7.4   15.0
     Mar.  3    10 46.63    -66 32.1
           8    11 24.7     -71 14.7    0.295   1.100   -4.9   + 6.5   14.3
          13    12 43.0     -75 39.0
          18    15 12.0     -77 04.2    0.231   1.048   -7.9   -17.6   13.5
          23    17 37.1     -71 41.7
          28    18 52.62    -60 43.5    0.189   1.013   -0.58  -34.5   12.9
     Apr.  2    19 30.70    -46 50.4
           7    19 52.89    -32 20.3    0.187   0.995   +0.10  -22.2   12.8
          12    20 07.53    -19 08.6
          17    20 18.08    - 8 11.0    0.225   0.997   +0.02  - 6.0   13.3
          22    20 26.10    + 0 31.9
          27    20 32.39    + 7 23.6    0.286   1.018   -0.10  + 1.8   13.9
     May   2    20 37.34    +12 50.3
           7    20 41.16    +17 13.5    0.352   1.058   -0.21  + 4.4   14.5

          17    20 45.51    +23 46.9    0.417   1.112   -0.29  + 5.0   15.1
          27    20 45.38    +28 16.8                    -0.36  + 4.8
     June  6    20 40.79    +31 15.1    0.533   1.252   -0.42  + 4.2   16.1
          16    20 32.08    +32 53,3                    -0.47  + 3.5
          26    20 20.20    +33 12.8    0.635   1.417   -0.49  + 2.6   17.0
     July  6    20 06.92    +32 16.4                    -0.49  + 1.8
          16    19 54.12    +30 11.9    0.749   1.592   -0.47  + 1.0   17.9
          26    19 43.50    +27 14.0                    -0.43  + 0.3
     Aug.  5    19 36.13    +23 43.6    0.905   1.770   -0.38  - 0.1   18.8
          15    19 32.31    +20 00.9                    -0.33  - 0.3
          25    19 31.94    +16 22.8    1.121   1.945   -0.28  - 0.5   19.6
     Sept. 4    19 34.63    +13 01.4                    -0.24  - 0.5
          14    19 39.86    +10 02.9    1.402   2.116   -0.21  - 0.5   20.5

The magnitude, calculated from m2 = 16.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r,
refers to the nuclear brightness.  The total magnitude could attain
10 or brighter during April.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Mar.  6.33740    14 08 09.44   - 5 29 53.3          Schwartz
          30.32093    13 59 16.48   - 4 30 01.3          Bulger
     Apr.  1.95882    13 57 49.41   - 4 22 14.2   16     Chernykh
           2.95515    13 57 15.60   - 4 19 15.8            "
           4.95809    13 56 05.85   - 4 13 17.2            "
           5.93713    13 55 31.28   - 4 10 24.1            "
           6.96803    13 54 54.20   - 4 07 19.8            "
          23.93311    13 44 13.93   - 3 21 18.6            "
     May   1.15936    13 39 48.54   - 3 06 15.9          Schwartz
           3.87141    13 38 14.39   - 3 01 40.0          Chernykh

G. Schwartz and J. H. Bulger (Harvard College Observatory, Agassiz
   Station).  155-cm reflector.  Measurer: Bulger.
N. S. Chernykh (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory).  Measurer:
   L. G. Karachkina.  From Kiev Komet. Tsirk. No. 198.

     R. D. Wills, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, communicates:
"The Caravane Collaboration reports the detection by the European
Space Agency's satellite COS B of a high-energy gamma-ray excess above
the emission from the galactic disk consistent with a localized
source at l = 136o +/- 2o, b = +1o +/- 2o.  The intensity above 70 MeV
was ~ 2 x 10**-6 ph cm**-2 s**-1, and the flux, averaged over 30h
intervals, remained constant.  This preliminary result is based on
analysis of data obtained during June 24-July 24.  It is noted that the
weak x-ray source 3U 0258+60 is located in the error box.
Investigation of the region at other wavelengths would be useful."

1976 October 7                 (2992)              Brian G. Marsden

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