Circular No. 2992 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS PERIODIC COMET GRIGG-SKJELLERUP The following prediction, by G. Sitarski, Warsaw University, is based on the 1972 elements in the Catalogue of Cometary Orbits, except that T and q were adjusted with the help of the two 1966 observations and four of those from 1972. Perturbations by all nine planets have been carried forward to 1977. T = 1977 Apr. 11.0080 ET Epoch = 1977 Apr. 7.0 ET Peri. = 359.3233 e = 0.664708 Node = 212.6448 1950.0 a = 2.962731 AU Incl. = 21.1049 n = 0.1932705 q = 0.993379 AU P = 5.100 years For dT = +0.1d 1976/77 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r dR.A. dDecl. m2 Nov. 18 8 45.27 - 8 24.1 1.620 2.014 -0m19 + 0'6 20.6 28 8 56.97 -11 51.2 -0.22 + 0.8 Dec. 8 9 07.86 -15 41.3 1.283 1.841 -0.27 + 0.9 19.7 18 9 17.84 -19 55.9 -0.32 + 1.1 28 9 26.78 -24 35.8 0.988 1.664 -0.39 + 1.3 18.7 Jan. 7 9 34.69 -29 40.8 -0.49 + 1.7 17 9 41.66 -35 10.8 0.741 1.487 -0.62 + 2.2 17.6 27 9 48.06 -41 04.8 -0.81 + 3.0 Feb. 6 9 55.07 -47 24.5 0.539 1.316 -1.09 + 4.1 16.3 16 10 05.28 -54 18.9 0.451 1.236 -1.55 + 5.6 15.7 21 10 13.44 -58 04.7 26 10 25.91 -62 07.8 0.370 1.163 -2.45 + 7.4 15.0 Mar. 3 10 46.63 -66 32.1 8 11 24.7 -71 14.7 0.295 1.100 -4.9 + 6.5 14.3 13 12 43.0 -75 39.0 18 15 12.0 -77 04.2 0.231 1.048 -7.9 -17.6 13.5 23 17 37.1 -71 41.7 28 18 52.62 -60 43.5 0.189 1.013 -0.58 -34.5 12.9 Apr. 2 19 30.70 -46 50.4 7 19 52.89 -32 20.3 0.187 0.995 +0.10 -22.2 12.8 12 20 07.53 -19 08.6 17 20 18.08 - 8 11.0 0.225 0.997 +0.02 - 6.0 13.3 22 20 26.10 + 0 31.9 27 20 32.39 + 7 23.6 0.286 1.018 -0.10 + 1.8 13.9 May 2 20 37.34 +12 50.3 7 20 41.16 +17 13.5 0.352 1.058 -0.21 + 4.4 14.5 17 20 45.51 +23 46.9 0.417 1.112 -0.29 + 5.0 15.1 27 20 45.38 +28 16.8 -0.36 + 4.8 June 6 20 40.79 +31 15.1 0.533 1.252 -0.42 + 4.2 16.1 16 20 32.08 +32 53,3 -0.47 + 3.5 26 20 20.20 +33 12.8 0.635 1.417 -0.49 + 2.6 17.0 July 6 20 06.92 +32 16.4 -0.49 + 1.8 16 19 54.12 +30 11.9 0.749 1.592 -0.47 + 1.0 17.9 26 19 43.50 +27 14.0 -0.43 + 0.3 Aug. 5 19 36.13 +23 43.6 0.905 1.770 -0.38 - 0.1 18.8 15 19 32.31 +20 00.9 -0.33 - 0.3 25 19 31.94 +16 22.8 1.121 1.945 -0.28 - 0.5 19.6 Sept. 4 19 34.63 +13 01.4 -0.24 - 0.5 14 19 39.86 +10 02.9 1.402 2.116 -0.21 - 0.5 20.5 The magnitude, calculated from m2 = 16.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r, refers to the nuclear brightness. The total magnitude could attain 10 or brighter during April. PERIODIC COMET SMIRNOVA-CHERNYKH (1975e) The following precise positions have been reported: 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Mar. 6.33740 14 08 09.44 - 5 29 53.3 Schwartz 30.32093 13 59 16.48 - 4 30 01.3 Bulger Apr. 1.95882 13 57 49.41 - 4 22 14.2 16 Chernykh 2.95515 13 57 15.60 - 4 19 15.8 " 4.95809 13 56 05.85 - 4 13 17.2 " 5.93713 13 55 31.28 - 4 10 24.1 " 6.96803 13 54 54.20 - 4 07 19.8 " 23.93311 13 44 13.93 - 3 21 18.6 " May 1.15936 13 39 48.54 - 3 06 15.9 Schwartz 3.87141 13 38 14.39 - 3 01 40.0 Chernykh G. Schwartz and J. H. Bulger (Harvard College Observatory, Agassiz Station). 155-cm reflector. Measurer: Bulger. N. S. Chernykh (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory). Measurer: L. G. Karachkina. From Kiev Komet. Tsirk. No. 198. HIGH-ENERGY gamma-RAY SOURCE R. D. Wills, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, communicates: "The Caravane Collaboration reports the detection by the European Space Agency's satellite COS B of a high-energy gamma-ray excess above the emission from the galactic disk consistent with a localized source at l = 136o +/- 2o, b = +1o +/- 2o. The intensity above 70 MeV was ~ 2 x 10**-6 ph cm**-2 s**-1, and the flux, averaged over 30h intervals, remained constant. This preliminary result is based on analysis of data obtained during June 24-July 24. It is noted that the weak x-ray source 3U 0258+60 is located in the error box. Investigation of the region at other wavelengths would be useful." 1976 October 7 (2992) Brian G. Marsden
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