Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3026: 1976 UA; 1976 AA; 1976k

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3026
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

1976 UA
     E. Roemer, University of Arizona, provides the following
precise positions, obtained by C. A. Heller and herself with the
Steward Observatory's 229-cm reflector, Kitt Peak.  The images are
weak and diffuse in poor seeing.  Measurer: C. D. Vesely.

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.
     Nov. 27.11198     0 38 11.06   - 4 48 36.3
          27.16597     0 38 13.66   - 4 48 16.1

1976 AA
     E. Roemer also provides all the following precise positions,
again measured by C. D. Vesely.

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.       Note
     June 24.44630     2 32 27.92   + 5 24 42.5    1
          25.44764     2 36 01.46   + 5 08 11.2    1
     July 31.46020     4 35 13.31   + 0 19 37.9    2
     Aug.  1.45964     4 38 16.20   + 0 16 16.5    2
     Sept.19.49375     6 54 03.74   - 1 45 54.0    1
     Nov. 24.48681     9 41 04.70   - 2 21 28.8    3
     Dec. 24.48750    11 24 44.49   + 5 17 25.3    3
          24.50556    11 24 49.10   + 5 17 56.3    3

Note 1.  Steward Observatory's 229-cm reflector, Kitt Peak.  L. M.
   Vaughn assisted.
Note 2.  Steward reflector.  C. A. Heller assisted.
Note 3.  Lunar and Planetary Laboratory's 154-cm reflector.

     P. Herget, Cincinnati Observatory, has provided an ephemeris
that is preferable to the one on IAUC 2966.  The following results,
by B. G. Marsden, are based on 52 observations 1976 Jan. 7-Dec. 24:

       T = 1977 May  2.2387 ET    Epoch = 1977 May 17.0 ET
   Peri. = 147.8058                   e =   0.182553
   Node  = 108.0722   1950.0          a =   0.966361 AU
   Incl. =  18.9349                   n =   1.037516
       q =   0.789949 AU              P =   0.950 year

     1977 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     Jan. 17    13 44.43    +21 39.2    0.239   1.050   16.5
          22    14 23.95    +25 33.7
          27    15 05.52    +28 55.5    0.234   1.023   16.6
     Feb.  1    15 47.47    +31 28.0
           6    16 28.04    +33 05.2    0.250   0.993   16.8
          11    17 05.86    +33 50.5
          16    17 40.23    +33 53.1    0.279   0.962   17.1
          21    18 11.04    +33 22.3
          26    18 38.63    +32 26.0    0.315   0.929   17.4
     Mar.  3    19 03.54    +31 10.2

           8    19 26.37    +29 39.2
          18    20 07.92    +26 04.8    0.395   0.867   17.9
          28    20 46.66    +22 01.9
     Apr.  7    21 24.94    +17 46.9    0.481   0.816   18.2
          17    22 04.12    +13 39.5
          27    22 44.59    + 9 58.9    0.580   0.791   18.5

     The following precise positions were obtained by E. Roemer and
C. A. Heller with the Steward Observatory's 229-cm reflector, Kitt
Peak.  Measurer: C. D. Vesely.  The images of the comet were well
condensed, with the suggestion of a tail to the south-southwest.

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.         m2
     Dec. 27.42274     8 07 39.22   +73 27 09.4   ~19.2
          27.44521     8 07 35.56   +73 27 07.8

     Ephemeris from the orbital elements on IAUC 3023:

     1977 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     Jan.  7     7 38.0     +72 58.8
          17     7 11.8     +72 03.2    5.347   6.009   19.4
          27     6 49.5     +70 42.2
     Feb.  6     6 32.34    +69 02.1    5.477   6.043   19.5
          16     6 20.20    +67 09.8
          26     6 12.53    +65 11.4    5.697   6.081   19.6
     Mar.  8     6 08.57    +63 12.0
          18     6 07.57    +61 15.0    5.981   6.121   19.8
          28     6 08.89    +59 22.8
     Apr.  7     6 12.02    +57 36.6    6.297   6.164   19.9
          17     6 16.53    +55 57.0
          27     6 22.09    +54 24.1    6.609   6.210   20.0
     May   7     6 28.43    +52 57.9
          17     6 35.32    +51 37.8    6.889   6.259   20.2
          27     6 42.60    +50 23.5
     June  6     6 50.09    +49 14.5    7.113   6.310   20.3

                m2 = 8.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

1977 January 13                (3026)              Brian G. Marsden

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