Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3049
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     J. A. Graham, Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, reports
that he has discovered another nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
on a plate taken by H. Rojas as follows:

     1977 UT          R. A. (1975) Decl.      Mag.
     Mar. 12          5 05.4     -70 11       10

The nova was measured by R. Canterna to be of visual magnitude 11.0
on Mar. 13.1 and to have V = 10.64, B-V = +0.15 on Mar. 14.1 UT.
The object is about 0'.5 north of HV 5587.

     H. E. Bond and R. L. Wagner, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Louisiana State University, draw attention to the fact that a
spectrogram obtained of this object (cf. IAUC 3039) at the Steward
Observatory in 1974 (Bond and Tifft 1974, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific
86, 981) showed strong emission lines of H, He I and He II.
They suggest as other candidates for membership in the class of "AM
Her variables" the stars EM Cyg, V2051 Oph, VV Pup, V Sge, CL Sco
and HK Sco.

     S. Tapia, University of Arizona, reports that observations
with the Steward Observatory's 229-cm reflector on Feb. 28 show
that the radial-velocity curve of AN UMa, derived from the emission
lines H-gamma-H-8 and He II 4686 A, displays the photometric period and a
semiamplitude of 300 km/s.  Transition from positive to negative
velocities is near coincidence with the phase of the pulses in
linear polarization (IAUC 3039).

     L. V. Morrison writes: "The table below (superseding that on
IAUC 2731) gives the first and last dates on which lunar occultations
of x-ray sources may be observed in the next few years.  Occultations
will occur at monthly intervals during these periods.
Further details may be obtained by writing to me at the address:
H.M. Nautical Almanac Office, Royal Greenwich Observatory,
Herstmonceux Castle, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 1RP, England."

     Source                      First            Last      Note
     3U 0255+13 = Abell 401   1977 Aug.  7    1979 June 20
     3U 1811-17 = GX13+1      1977 Aug. 24    1979 Mar. 21   1
     3U 1617-15 = Sco X-1     1978 Mar.  1    1981 Feb. 26   2
     3U 1728-16 = GX9+9       1978 Mar.  3    1979 Aug. 31   3
     MX1746-20 = NGC 6440     1980 May  31    1982 Mar. 17
     3U 1758-20 = GX9+1       1980 May  31    1982 Feb. 18
     3U 1224+02 = 3C 273      1980 July 18    1985 May  29

Note 1: Only observable south of latitude -45o.
Note 2: Only observable south of the equator.
Note 3: Only observable south of latitude -55o.

     The following precise positions were obtained by P. M.
Kilmartin and A. C. Gilmore at the Carter Observatory.  The comet
is diffuse, with condensation but no tail.

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.         m2
     Mar. 11.42867    12 12 09.27   -74 23 59.4    14
          11.44969    12 12 30.83   -74 25 06.8

The following improved ephemeris, by B. G. Marsden, has been
adjusted to fit the 1977 observations.  Distance and magnitude
information is given on IAUC 2992.

     1977 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     1977 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.
     Mar.  8    11 25.0     -71 15.1    Apr. 23    20 27.49    + 2 02.6
          10    11 49.5     -73 07.6         25    20 30.06    + 4 50.7
          12    12 22.7     -74 52.5         27    20 32.40    + 7 23.7
          14    13 07.5     -76 18.8         29    20 34.53    + 9 43.1
          16    14 05.4     -77 09.4    May   1    20 36.46    +11 50.6
          18    15 12.5     -77 03.0          3    20 38.21    +13 47.3
          20    16 18.6     -75 45.3          5    20 39.78    +15 34.5
          22    17 14.4     -73 16.8          7    20 41.18    +17 13.2
          24    17 57.18    -69 48.7          9    20 42.40    +18 44.4
          26    18 28.97    -65 33.2         11    20 43.45    +20 08.7
          28    18 52.68    -60 40.9         13    20 44.32    +21 26.7
          30    19 10.73    -55 20.8         15    20 45.02    +22 39.2
     Apr.  1    19 24.80    -49 41.8         17    20 45.53    +23 46.4
           3    19 36.04    -43 52.7         19    20 45.87    +24 48.9
           5    19 45.23    -38 02.1         21    20 46.02    +25 46.8
           7    19 52.89    -32 18.3         23    20 46.00    +26 40.6
           9    19 59.40    -26 47.8         25    20 45.79    +27 30.3
          11    20 05.01    -21 35.5         27    20 45.40    +28 16.3
          13    20 09.91    -16 44.5         29    20 44.84    +28 58.7
          15    20 14.23    -12 16.0         31    20 44.09    +29 37.7
          17    20 18.08    - 8 10.2    June  2    20 43.17    +30 13.2
          19    20 21.54    - 4 26.1          4    20 42.08    +30 45.5
          21    20 24.66    - 1 02.5          6    20 40.82    +31 14.6

1977 March 16                  (3049)              Brian G. Marsden

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