Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3120: Poss. COMET; 1977b

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3120
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     H.-E. Schuster, European Southern Observatory, reports the
discovery of a moving object, as shown below.  Although the object may
be a minor planet, it seems to show some fuzziness to the northeast.

     1977 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.    Mag.
     Oct.  9.16424   23 33.6     -37 00     17
          10.27778   23 32.6     -36 45
          10.31771   23 32.5     -36 44
          11.08889   23 32.0     -36 34
          12.09375   23 30.8     -36 19
          13.07708   23 29.4     -36 04

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     Jan. 21.73495     9 44 43.84   -37 55 23.1    Jekabsons
          27.74375     9 48 33.75   -41 32 06.9      "
     Mar.  9.71466    11 45 28.75   -72 52 06.8      "
          14.74267    13 27 24.52   -76 43 20.0      "
          16.72083    14 28 54.07   -77 15 12.8    Candy
          17.68246    15 01 34.94   -77 09 02.2      "
          18.63021    15 34 00.83   -76 46 48.2    Jekabsons
          21.64705    17 05 34.27   -73 48 03.3    Candy
          25.79736    18 26 11.98   -66 01 48.6    Jekabsons
          25.85250    18 26 56.57   -65 54 20.8      "
          30.78872    19 16 43.86   -53 09 32.6      "
     Apr. 22.81708    20 27 15.02    +1 46 22.6      "
     June 16.24991    20 31 49.24   +32 54 25.3    McCrosky
     Aug. 10.17636    19 33 41.44   +21 48 24.5      "

P. Jekabsons and M. P. Candy (Perth Observatory, Bickley);  33-cm
   astrograph.  The Jan. 21 position is a revision of that on IAUC
   3033.  Some of the March positions are from long exposures taken
   for appearance, rather than for astrometric purposes.
R. E. McCrosky and C.-Y. Shao (Harvard College Observatory, Agassiz
   Station).  155-cm reflector.  Measurer: J. H. Bulger.

1977 October 13                (3120)              Brian G. Marsden

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