Circular No. 3130 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cables: SATELLITES NEWYORK Telex: 921428 Telephone: (617) 864-5758 SLOW-MOVING OBJECT KOWAL The following precise positions have been reported: 1977 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Observer Oct. 11.42120 2 06 47.44 +12 16 19.4 19.0 Gehrels 12.41704 2 06 37.09 +12 15 19.0 " Nov. 3.41111 2 02 40.29 +11 52 26.6 Green 4.32378 2 02 30.49 +11 51 29.6 " T. Gehrels (University of Arizona). 122-cm Schmidt telescope, Palomar Observatory. Measurers: C. D. Vesely and R. Sather. R. Green (Palomar Observatory). Measurer: C. T. Kowal. The orbit of this object is extremely indeterminate, although all attempts by the undersigned to determine it indicate that the object is currently 14-17 AU from the earth. The result given below has been selected so as to minimize the aphelion distance. T and Peri. are completely indeterminate in this low-eccentricity orbit. T = 1946 June 25.5 ET Peri. = 14.4 e = 0.031 Node = 207.3 1950.0 a = 16.340 AU Incl. = 5.2 n = 0.0149 q = 15.836 AU P = 66.1 years 1977 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r Mag. Oct. 24 2 04.56 +12 03.4 15.84 16.84 18.1 Nov. 3 2 02.75 +11 52.9 13 2 01.00 +11 42.7 15.89 16.84 18.2 23 1 59.39 +11 33.4 Dec. 3 1 57.99 +11 25.2 16.06 16.84 18.2 13 1 56.87 +11 18.5 23 1 56.08 +11 13.7 16.32 16.84 18.3 Mag. = 6.0 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.023 (phase angle) 1977 RA Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1977 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Observer Sept.11.15131 22 55 26.84 +17 10 03.4 McCrosky 12.70347 22 56 22.37 +17 19 54.3 Jekabsons 13.88368 22 57 06.71 +17 24 58.8 14.7 Mrkos 13.89878 22 57 07.13 +17 25 02.5 " 14.83640 22 57 42.40 +17 28 52.9 14.7 " 14.85098 22 57 42.80 +17 28 56.9 " 17.56389 22 59 25.26 +17 36 38.8 Tsuchiya 17.57917 22 59 25.61 +17 36 39.5 " Oct. 6.81487 23 14 34.51 +16 44 43.4 15.2 Mrkos 6.82911 23 14 34.95 +16 44 40.6 " 7.79352 23 15 30.74 +16 39 01.4 15.0 " 7.80781 23 15 31.52 +16 38 57.1 " 8.80479 23 16 30.16 +16 32 59.6 15.5 " 8.81937 23 16 30.90 +16 32 54.1 " 9.80616 23 17 29.72 +16 26 54.4 15.3 " 9.82074 23 17 30.53 +16 26 49.3 " 10.8483 23 18 32.94 +16 20 29.3 16 Manning 17.81895 23 26 09.34 +15 36 26.5 15.6 Mrkos 17.83388 23 26 10.32 +15 36 20.9 " 18.86285 23 27 22.29 +15 29 55.7 15.8 " 18.87708 23 27 23.25 +15 29 50.1 " 19.90990 23 28 36.72 +15 23 27.6 15.6 " 19.92448 23 28 37.69 +15 23 21.9 " 20.98388 23 29 54.16 +15 16 54.8 16.2 " 20.99811 23 29 55.04 +15 16 48.8 " R. E. McCrosky (Harvard Observatory). Measurer: J. H. Bulger. P. Jekabsons (Perth Observatory, Bickley). 33-cm astrograph. A. Mrkos (Klet Observatory). K. Tsuchiya (JCPM Asahikawa Station). 20-cm f/6 reflector. Measurer M. Takeishi. From Japan Astron. Circ. No. 117. B. Manning (Stakenbridge, England). 26.5-cm reflector. Measurer: P. Birtwhistle. Communicated by G. M. Hurst. The following improved orbital elements, by the undersigned, are from 50 observations Sept. 4 to Oct. 20: T = 1977 Aug. 18.5507 ET Epoch = 1977 Sept. 14.0 ET Peri. = 41.7185 e = 0.411836 Node = 287.3235 1950.0 a = 2.105698 AU Incl. = 5.2639 n = 0.3225597 q = 1.238496 AU P = 3.056 years 1977/78 R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r B Dec. 13 0 51.62 +13 56.6 23 1 09.38 +14 32.6 1.072 1.692 18.9 Jan. 2 1 27.52 +15 18.3 12 1 45.97 +16 10.6 1.356 1.799 19.5 22 2 04.70 +17 07.0 Feb. 1 2 23.65 +18 05.0 1.663 1.905 20.0 11 2 42.80 +19 02.6 21 3 02.13 +19 58.1 1.982 2.009 20.5 1977 November 8 (3130) Brian G. Marsden
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