Circular No. 3137 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Telex: 921428 Telephone: (617) 864-5758 1977 VA Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 3133: 1977/78 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r Mag. Nov. 23 3 07.16 +12 23.2 Dec. 3 3 30.99 +11 54.4 0.203 1.180 15.7 13 3 50.82 +12 01.4 23 4 08.44 +12 36.4 0.296 1.250 16.9 Jan. 2 4 25.08 +13 28.8 12 4 41.58 +14 29.2 0.431 1.340 18.0 22 4 58.52 +15 30.5 Feb. 1 5 16.05 +16 27.5 0.610 1.442 19.0 11 5 34.19 +17 16.6 21 5 52.95 +17 55.6 0.830 1.550 19.8 Mag. = 18.5 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.023 (phase angle) COMET KOHLER (1977m) Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1977 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer Oct. 13.42778 17 04 53.65 +12 44 52.1 Koishikawa 13.46771 17 05 02.35 +12 43 26.3 " 16.44392 17 16 06.91 +10 49 04.5 " 16.47561 17 16 14.37 +10 47 44.5 " 17.42882 17 19 54.42 +10 09 40.4 " 17.43160 17 19 54.93 +10 09 33.7 " 18.40506 17 23 42.15 + 9 29 49.5 " 18.41007 17 23 44.04 + 9 29 37.2 " 21.75542 17 37 14.33 + 7 07 06.2 Debehogne 21.76996 17 37 18.00 + 7 06 26.4 " 31.08281 18 18 32.40 - 0 17 05.4 Giclas 31.83831 18 22 07.05 - 0 55 43.0 Nunez Nov. 9.10425 19 03 26.92 - 8 14 21.0 Helin 10.41501 19 10 20.7 - 9 25 06 Jones M. Koishikawa (Sendai Observatory, Ayashi Station). Measurer: S. Kasahara. From Japan Astron. Circ. No. 125. H. Debehogne (Royal Observatory, Uccle). H. L. Giclas (Lowell Observatory). Measurer: M. L. Kantz. J. Nunez (Instituto y Observatorio de Marina, San Fernando). 33-cm astrograph. Long. = +6o12'17".1, Lat. = +36o27'57".1. E. Helin, E. Shoemaker and S. J. Bus (Palomar Mountain Observatory). B. J. T. Jones, J. E. Jones, S. Lee and B. A. Peterson (Anglo-Australian Observatory). Communicated by J. C. Blades. The following improved parabolic elements, by the undersigned, are from 120 observations Sept. 6 to Nov. 9: T = 1977 Nov. 10.5659 ET Peri. = 163.4799 Node = 181.8175 1950.0 q = 0.990662 AU Incl. = 48.7196 1977/78 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Dec. 3 21 17.98 -26 54.6 1.025 1.063 6.8 8 21 46.56 -29 25.2 13 22 14.44 -31 20.9 1.115 1.135 7.3 18 22 41.32 -32 44.1 23 23 06.98 -33 38.2 1.228 1.224 7.8 28 23 31.27 -34 07.3 Jan. 2 23 54.17 -34 15.3 1.357 1.325 8.4 7 0 15.67 -34 06.1 12 0 35.86 -33 42.9 1.497 1.435 8.9 17 0 54.81 -33 08.7 22 1 12.63 -32 26.0 1.644 1.551 9.5 27 1 29.42 -31 36.8 Feb. 1 1 45.28 -30 42.9 1.798 1.670 10.0 11 2 14.65 -28 46.3 21 2 41.42 -26 45.1 2.118 1.912 10.9 Mar. 3 3 06.13 -24 45.5 13 3 29.20 -22 51.7 2.453 2.156 11.8 23 3 50.93 -21 06.7 Apr. 2 4 11.54 -19 32.4 2.796 2.399 12.5 12 4 31.19 -18 10.0 22 4 49.99 -17 00.3 3.138 2.638 13.2 May 2 5 08.01 -16 03.4 12 5 25.32 -15 19.3 3.470 2.872 13.8 22 5 41.93 -14 47.9 June 1 5 57.87 -14 28.6 3.781 3.102 14.3 m1 = 6.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r Further total visual magnitude estimates: Oct. 25.97 UT, 7.4 (S. O'Meara, Harvard Observatory, 8-cm refractor); 28.98, 7.0 (J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, 10 x 50 binoculars; 30' tail in p.a. 0o, 32-cm reflector); Nov. 1.07, 6.8 (P. Maley, Houston, Texas, 7 x 35 binoculars); 5.73, 7.4 (V. Belli, C. Franciosi and M. Vigano, Varese, Italy, 7 x 50 binoculars); 10.03, 6.8 (Maley); 14.03, 6.8 (Maley). Corrigenda. On IAUC 3118, second line after observations, for (Kawane, Kyoto). Long. = -9h02m.3, read (Kawane, Shizuoka). Long. = -9h12m.3. On IAUC 3127, last line, for ~ -4 K during Nov. 2-5, read ~ -0.4 K during Nov. 2-5. 1977 November 15 (3137) Brian G. Marsden
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