Circular No. 3212 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Telex: 921428 Telephone: (617) 864-5758 2A 1102+384 D. R. Hearn and F. J. Marshall, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, announce the discovery of soft x-ray emission from a small region (~ 1o.5 x 0o.25) containing the high-latitude x-ray flare source 2A 1102+384 (Cooke et al. 1978, Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 182, 489) in data from SAS 3. The source was observed on 1976 Apr. 25-26. In two brief (45-second) sightings, on Apr. 25.25 and 25.38 UT, the energy flux density in the 0.1-0.28-keV band was (9.9 +/- 1.5) x 10**-11 erg cm**-2 s**-1. At the same time, the 1-6-keV flux density was (20 +/- 7) x 10**-11 erg cm**-2 cm**-1, or five times the normal quiescent flux from 2A 1102+384. From Apr. 25.27 to Apr. 26.4 the average flux densities were (3.0 +/- 0.6) and (14 +/- 3) x 10**-11 erg cm**-2 s**-1 in the 0.1-0.28-keV and 1-6-keV bands, respectively. Although Ricketts et al. (1976, Nature 259, 546) tentatively identified this source with Mk 421 = B2 1102+38, its x-ray characteristics are sufficiently like those of AM Her to warrant a search for variable, blue emission-line stars in the error box. PERIODIC COMET TEMPEL 2 (1977d) Extension of the ephemeris on IAUC 3007: 1978/79 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m2 June 1 2 22.55 + 5 11.6 2.444 1.723 18.7 11 2 45.41 + 6 38.4 21 3 07.21 + 7 51.3 2.451 1.845 18.9 July 1 3 27.75 + 8 50.4 11 3 47.01 + 9 36.0 2.428 1.972 19.1 21 4 04.89 +10 08.8 31 4 21.31 +10 29.5 2.370 2.101 19.2 Aug. 10 4 36.10 +10 39.1 20 4 49.11 +10 38.7 2.278 2.230 19.3 30 5 00.14 +10 29.4 Sept. 9 5 08.96 +10 12.6 2.159 2.358 19.3 19 5 15.34 + 9 49.8 29 5 19.03 + 9 22.9 2.028 2.484 19.2 Oct. 9 5 19.81 + 8 53.8 19 5 17.57 + 8 24.9 1.912 2.607 19.0 29 5 12.38 + 7 58.8 Nov. 8 5 04.55 + 7 38.2 1.850 2.727 18.9 18 4 54.75 + 7 26.0 28 4 43.91 + 7 24.0 1.881 2.844 18.8 Dec. 8 4 33.11 + 7 33.4 18 4 23.40 + 7 54.2 2.030 2.956 19.1 28 4 15.55 + 8 25.2 Jan. 7 4 10.02 + 9 04.6 2.287 3.065 19.6 17 4 06.97 + 9 50.3 27 4 06.33 +10 40.3 2.624 3.170 20.1 Feb. 6 4 07.91 +11 32.8 16 4 11.45 +12 26.2 3.003 3.272 20.5 m2 = 15.0 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.03 (phase angle) 1978 CA The following precise positions have been reported: 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Observer Mar. 7.91493 9 57 17.61 +26 59 15.6 14.5 Wild 7.92118 9 57 16.49 +27 00 38.7 " 8.52222 9 55 59.23 +29 10 53.3 13.5 Urata 8.52535 9 55 58.67 +29 11 32.6 " 9.98021 9 52 38.90 +34 22 49.9 13 Wild 9.98646 9 52 37.84 +34 24 09.2 " 10.60694 9 51 09.83 +36 34 48.4 13.5 Urata 10.61024 9 51 09.26 +36 35 29.7 " 11.83609 9 48 11.44 +40 46 19.3 14 Mrkos 11.84083 9 48 10.78 +40 47 10.7 " 12.63125 9 46 05.26 +43 23 53.9 14 Urata 12.63646 9 46 04.39 +43 24 56.4 " P. Wild (Astronomical Institute, Berne University). T. Urata (JCPM Yakiimo Station). From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 957. A. Mrkos (Klet Observatory). 62.5-cm Maksutov telescope. 1978 DA Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Observer Mar. 4.42818 11 59 09.55 -11 56 23.1 Gilmore 4.60733 12 00 47.18 -11 43 24.6 " 10.39816 13 09 01.37 - 1 57 48.8 " 10.61644 13 12 05.95 - 1 31 14.1 13.5 Urata 10.61944 13 12 08.41 - 1 30 49.8 " 11.42365 13 23 56.50 + 0 19 28.7 Gilmore 11.69655 13 27 56.27 + 0 57 28.8 " 12.68403 13 43 16.31 + 3 16 50.3 13 Urata 12.68553 13 43 17.71 + 3 17 04.1 " A. C. Gilmore (Carter Observatory). Measurer: P. M. Kilmartin. T. Urata (JCPM Yakiimo Station). From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 960. 1978 April 21 (3212) Brian G. Marsden
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