Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3219: A0535+26; NEPTUNE II (NEREID); 1977h; P/DANIEL; 1977 RA

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3219
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     R. Thomas and M. Duldig, University of Tasmania; R. F. Haynes,
C.S.I.R.O. Radiophysics; and P. Murdin, Anglo-Australian Observatory,
report that they have used the Parkes 64-m radio telescope to
observe the flaring x-ray source A0535+26.  They found an upper
limit of 7 mJy (rms) at wavelength 2 cm on Apr. 25d05h30m UT.

     K. Aksnes, Center for Astrophysics, provides the following
continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 3072:

     1978 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.   dR.A. cos Decl.  dDecl.
     May  12    17 06.77    -21 22.1      - 80"2       + 49"4
          22    17 05.70    -21 20.6      - 97.7       + 48.9
     June  1    17 04.56    -21 19.1      -114.3       + 48.0
          11    17 03.39    -21 17.6      -129.5       + 46.6
          21    17 02.23    -21 16.2      -142.9       + 44.7
     July  1    17 01.13    -21 14.9      -153.9       + 42.1
          11    17 00.13    -21 13.9      -161.6       + 38.8
          21    16 59.27    -21 13.1      -165.2       + 34.5
          31    16 58.58    -21 12.6      -163.0       + 29.1
     Aug. 10    16 58.09    -21 12.4      -152.0       + 22.2
          20    16 57.82    -21 12.7      -125.9       + 13.1
          30    16 57.82    -21 13.3      - 67.6       +  1.1
     Sept. 9    16 58.11    -21 14.3      + 39.7       -  9.4
          19    16 58.59    -21 15.4      +113.4       -  9.0

     Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 3036:

     1978/79 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     June 21     3 37.23    +14 49.8    3.313   2.530   19.1
     July  1     3 55.48    +15 23.6
          11     4 13.30    +15 47.6    3.194   2.560   19.1
          21     4 30.58    +16 01.6
          31     4 47.19    +16 05.8    3.045   2.597   19.1
     Aug. 10     5 02.96    +16 00.4
          20     5 17.73    +15 45.7    2.869   2.638   19.0
          30     5 31.33    +15 22.6
     Sept. 9     5 43.54    +14 51.7    2.674   2.684   18.9
          19     5 54.14    +14 14.2
          29     6 02.92    +13 31.2    2.469   2.733   18.8
     Oct.  9     6 09.62    +12 44.3
          19     6 14.02    +11 55.4    2.271   2.787   18.7
          29     6 15.95    +11 06.3
     Nov.  8     6 15.30    +10 19.6    2.106   2.843   18.7
          18     6 12.17    + 9 38.0
          28     6 06.84    + 9 03.9    2.006   2.902   18.6
     Dec.  8     5 59.84    + 8 39.9
          18     5 51.99    + 8 27.8    2.002   2.963   18.7
          28     5 44.16    + 8 28.1
     Jan.  7     5 37.25    + 8 40.2    2.110   3.025   18.9
          17     5 31.94    + 9 02.6
          27     5 28.68    + 9 33.0    2.320   3.089   19.2
     Feb.  6     5 27.65    +10 08.9
          16     5 28.85    +10 47.7    2.605   3.155   19.6
          26     5 32.13    +11 27.3
     Mar.  8     5 37.28    +12 05.8    2.932   3.220   19.9
          18     5 44.08    +12 41.9
          28     5 52.26    +13 14.2    3.275   3.286   20.2
     Apr.  7     6 01.63    +13 41.9
          17     6 11.96    +14 04.4    3.610   3.353   20.5

                m2 = 12.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

     The following predicted elements, by B. G. Marsden, were
obtained by extending the 1971 prediction (cf. IAUC 2296).
The comet is again impossibly placed for observation.

       T = 1978 July 8.4377 ET    Epoch = 1978 June 21.0 ET
   Peri. =  10.8328                   e =   0.549893
   Node  =  68.4927   1950.0          a =   3.691975 AU
   Incl. =  20.1366                   n =   0.1389364
       q =   1.661783 AU              P =   7.094 years

1977 RA
     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.       Mag.   Observer
     Sept.23.07500    23 03 09.22   +17 38 01.9   15     Wild
     Oct. 12.86563    23 20 38.95   +16 07 50.0   15.5     "
          13.82639    23 21 41.03   +16 01 44.5   15.8     "
          17.85910    23 26 12.10   +15 36 10.8   16       "
     Nov.  5.77622    23 51 05.19   +13 58 52.7   17       "
     Dec.  8.11766     0 43 06.81   +13 43 21.9          Bulger

P. Wild (Astronomical Institute, Berne University).
J. H. Bulger (Harvard College Observatory, Agassiz Station).

1978 May 11                    (3219)              Brian G. Marsden

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