Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3225: 1978a; 4U 1145-61; HS Sge (N Sge 1977)

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3225
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

COMET WEST (1978a)
     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1978 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Jan. 16.81875    14 31 07.21   -13 14 16.2          Johnson
          17.81944    14 31 12.85   -13 08 54.1            "
          20.82569    14 31 25.81   -12 52 22.3            "
     Feb.  4.73611    14 30 58.20   -11 18 15.1          Candy
     Mar.  8.72222    14 20 29.54   - 6 43 10.0            "
          28.89146    14 01 42.89   - 3 01 03.9   16.0   Mrkos
          28.90604    14 01 42.21   - 3 06 55.6            "
          30.92665    14 06 13.92   - 2 44 17.7   16.0     "
          30.94205    14 06 13.22   - 2 44 08.4            "
          31.97159    14 05 27.70   - 2 32 35.4   16.0     "
          31.98582    14 05 27.11   - 2 32 26.1            "
     Apr.  7.02569    14 00 52.39   - 1 24 32.6   16.0     "
           7.04028    14 00 51.68   - 1 24 24.4            "
           7.94961    14 00 09.50   - 1 14 11.2   16.6     "
           7.96135    14 00 08.98   - 1 14 03.9            "
           9.88431    13 58 39.11   - 0 52 29.4   15.8     "
           9.89646    13 58 38.57   - 0 52 22.7            "
          30.90880    13 42 10.61   + 2 52 03.9   17       "
     May   3.90860    13 39 55.27   + 3 21 30.7   17.4     "
           3.92318    13 39 54.67   + 3 21 41.1            "

J. Johnson and M. P. Candy (Perth Observatory, Bickley).
A. Mrkos (Klet Observatory).  62.5-cm Maksutov telescope.

4U 1145-61
     J. G. Jernigan, H. Bradt, J. van Paradijs and S. Rappaport,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, report that 4U 1145-61 has
been active and bright since May 7 and by May 20 was as bright as
the Crab Nebula.  The data clearly show the 297-s period reported
by White (IAUC 3118).  SAS 3 is continuously monitoring the source.
Observations of the well-established Be-star counterpart HEN 715
(Bradt et al. 1977, Nature 269, 21; Dower et al. preprint) are urged.

     Visual mgnitude estimates by G. M. Hurst, Northampton, England:
Apr. 15.04 UT, 12.9; May 10.10, 12.6.

1978 May 31                    (3225)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 3224  SEARCH Read IAUC 3226

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