Circular No. 3247 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 V861 SCORPII P. Massey and P. S. Conti, Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado, communicate: "We have obtained nine coude dispersion red spectrograms of V861 Sco = HD 152667, identified as an eclipsing x-ray source on IAUC 3234. The plates were obtained at Kitt Peak National Observatory on eight consecutive nights beginning June 30 UT and cover one orbit. Two well-separated emission features are observed at H-alpha and behave as follows: (1) The weaker emission peak is displaced blueward by a constant velocity of -300 km/s; it changes drastically in strength with phase, virtually disappearing when the B0 supergiant is behind the x-ray source (note that this occurs half a cycle later than reported on IAUC 3234). The variability of this feature is gradual and cannot be due to an eclipse of the purported accretion disk. (2) The radial velocity of the stronger peak is displaced redward by 200 km/s with respect to the absorption lines but varies in phase with the B star. This feature also changes in strength but less dramatically than does the blue component. Our observations are consistent with the existence of two emission peaks, but not with a single emission feature and a central absorption." SMC X-2 D. C. Morton and P. Murdin, Anglo-Australian Observatory; and R. Thomas, University of Tasmania, suggest that the more likely optical candidate for SMC X-2 is the fainter star 2" south of the previously suggested magnitude 15 object (IAUC 3127, 3134, 3143). It is the new candidate (spectral type B1e) that shows the reported H-alpha and H-beta emission; the brighter component of the double star appears to be a normal O7 star. PKS 1954-388 G. Gilmore, Department of Physics, University of Canterbury, writes: "The quasar PKS 1954-388 (R.A. = 19h54m39s.01, Decl. = -38o53'l2".6, equinox 1950.0; z = 0.630; Shimmins et al. 1971, Astrophys. Lett. 8, 139) has brightened by approximately two magnitudes over 24 days. Observations with an unfiltered Varo single-stage S2OR image intensifier show it to be similar in brightness to the star 15" east and 35" south of the quasar on May 8 and 9 and June 11 and 12 UT. On July 6.55 UT it was similar in brightness to the star ~ 30" west." X-RAY EMISSION FROM TWO SUPERNOVA REMNANTS I. Tuohy, F. Cordova, G. Garmire and J. Nugent, California Institute of Technology; and P. Charles, S. Bowyer and F. Walter, University of California at Berkeley, report the discovery of soft x-ray emission from two southern supernova remnants: Energy range Flux kT NH Identif. Name (keV) (erg cm**-2 s**-1) (keV) (cm**-2) H1207-52 0.25-1.0 2.0 x 10**-10 0.1 3 x 10**21 PKS 1209-52 H1616-51 0.6 -2.0 2.1 x 10**-10 0.2 9 x 10**21 RCW 103 The observations were made using the HEAO-A2 low-energy detectors. The values of kT and NH refer to a simple thermal model with absorption, and it is stressed that these preliminary spectral parameters may be uncertain by up to a factor of 2. The error box containing RCW 103 also includes MSH 16-51, but the latter remnant is considered a less likely candidate in view of its greater distance (Clark and Caswell 1976, Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 174, 267). COMET AND FAST-MOVING OBJECT R. D. Eberst, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, writes that he has recently found images of a comet and a fast-moving asteroidal object on plates taken on consecutive nights a year ago with the U.K. 122-cm Schmidt telescope at Siding Spring. The comet has a tail 3' long; the object, designated 1977 OA, was near the edge of each plate, particularly the first one. The following positions of the ends of each trail are probably accurate to +/- 2": 1977 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Comet July 18.57526 20 52 54.20 -34 03 10.7 ~18 18.62387 20 52 52.25 -34 03 10.3 19.61292 20 52 06.84 -34 02 51.6 19.68848 20 52 04.48 -34 02 51.2 1977 OA July 18.57526 21 01 50.47 -37 59 26.9 ~17 18.62387 21 01 35.43 -37 58 55.1 19.61292 20 56 40.87 -37 46 31.5 19.66848 20 56 24.26 -37 45 48.8 PERIODIC COMET ASHBROOK-JACKSON (1977g) J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, provides the following total visual magnitude estimates, obtained using a 32-cm reflector: July 12.30 UT, 12.8; 13.30, 12.9. 1978 July 25 (3247) Brian G. Marsden
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