Circular No. 3271 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 PERIODIC COMET HANEDA-CAMPOS (1978j) Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1978 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Aug. 10.33056 20 41 14.08 -19 35 44.2 13-14 Helin Sept. 2.53854 20 52 24.28 -29 59 05.7 10 Koishikawa 2.54236 20 52 25.3 -29 59 10 Furuta 2.54583 20 52 25.46 -29 59 20.7 " 2.56285 20 52 26.67 -30 00 00.0 Koishikawa 12.65636 21 14 25.71 -35 49 36.6 10 Stuart 12.71307 21 14 35.40 -35 51 30.2 Jekabsons E. Helin and S. J. Bus (Palomar Mountain Observatory). 46-cm Schmidt. Prediscovery observation. Very diffuse and uncondensed. Exposures with the 122-cm Schmidt (limiting magnitude 19.5) dunng July 10-14 show no trace of the comet. M. Koishikawa (Sendai Observatory, Ayashi Station). 20-cm f/5.5 reflector. From Japan Astron. Circ. No. 170. T. Furuta (Kagiya). From Yamamoto Circ. Nos. 1892 and 1894. Stuart and P. Jekabsons (Perth Observatory, Bickley). The following orbital elements depend on different prediscovery observations, which are somewhat inconsistent. The second solution implies approaches to 0.3-0.4 AU from Jupiter in 1957 and 1969. M. P. Candy B. G. Marsden (15 obs. Aug. 11-Sept. 12) (14 obs. Aug. 10-Sept. 12) T = 1978 Oct. 9.4785 1978 Oct. 9.4932 ET Peri. = 240.3578 240.4182 Node = 131.6857 131.5965 1950.0 Incl. = 5.8549 5.9582 q = 1.099656 1.101528 AU e = 0.649342 0.665975 a = 3.135979 3.297742 AU n = 0.1774779 0.1645807 P = 5.553 5.989 years PERIODIC COMET ASHBROOK-JACKSON (1977g) Total visual magnitude estimates: Sept. 7.27 UT, 11.9 (P. L. Collins, Mount Hopkins Observatory, 20-cm reflector); 10.31, 11.7 (J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, 32-cm reflector; 10' tail p.a. 245o). 1978 September 19 (3271) Brian G. Marsden
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