Circular No. 3330 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 COMET KOWAL (1979a) The following precise positions, by T. Seki, Kochi Observatory, Geisei Station, are from Yamamoto Circ. No. 1909: 1979 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Feb. 1.48368 3 11 56.24 + 9 16 28.0 16 1.49757 3 11 58.67 + 9 16 25.2 New parabolic and elliptical orbital elements have been determined by the undersigned as shown below. The elliptical elements seem somewhat more probable (although e is very uncertain) and are used for the Ephemeris. T = 1979 Jan. 17.570 1979 Jan. 16.088 ET Peri. = 192.385 191.114 Node = 243.019 245.976 1950.0 Incl. = 16.553 15.955 q = 1.65799 1.55587 AU e = 1.0 0.67214 1979 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Feb. 16 3 49.91 + 9 16.3 1.234 1.594 17.0 26 4 16.61 + 9 24.5 Mar. 8 4 43.46 + 9 34.1 1.428 1.657 17.5 18 5 10.21 + 9 41.0 28 5 36.65 + 9 42.4 1.651 1.745 18.0 YY HERCULIS P. C. Gregory, Physics Department, University of British Columbia; and F. R. Seaquist, Astronomy Department, University of Toronto, report that their observations of YY Her (cf. IAUC 3321) in 1976 Apr. with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's three-element interferometer gave a 3-sigma upper limit of 5 mJy at both 2695 and 8085 MHz. One weak source having a flux density of 11 +/- 4 mJy at 8085 MHz and <~ 12 mJy at 2695 MHz was found at the edge of the 6' field, and it is suggested that this source corresponds to the one reported on IAUC 3321. Its coordinates are R.A. = 18h12m36s.34 +/- 0s.15, Decl. = +20o57'12".5 +/- 2" (equinox 1950.0). No optical counterpart was found in a search of the Palomar Sky Survey prints. 1979 February 20 (3330) Brian G. Marsden
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