Circular No. 3403 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 COMET BRADFIELD (1979c) Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 3396: 1979 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Oct. 4 21 35.47 + 7 17.1 0.733 1.605 15.4 9 21 27.57 + 1 32.1 14 21 22.97 - 2 33.0 1.025 1.768 16.5 19 21 20.54 - 5 31.5 24 21 19.62 - 7 44.6 1.342 1.925 17.5 29 21 19.80 - 9 25.4 Nov. 3 21 20.80 -10 42.8 1.668 2.079 18.3 8 21 22.43 -11 42.7 13 21 24.55 -12 29.2 1.996 2.228 19.0 18 21 27.08 -13 05.1 23 21 29.93 -13 32.7 2.321 2.373 19.6 28 21 33.05 -13 53.5 Dec. 3 21 36.39 -14 08.8 2.639 2.515 20.1 8 21 39.90 -14 19.5 13 21 43.55 -14 26.4 2.945 2.654 20.6 18 21 47.33 -14 30.1 23 21 51.20 -14 31.1 3.236 2.789 21.0 Total visual magnitude estimates by J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory (0.3-m reflector): Aug. 17.35 UT, 10.4; Sept. 1.37, 10.4; 4.35, 10.9; 10.02, 11.1. The comet may thus be brighter than predicted. NOVALIKE OBJECT IN VULPECULA M. Muminovic, Astronomical Observatory, Sarajevo, communicates the following red photographic magnitudes: 1974 July 15.80 UT, [15; 1979 Aug. 23.87, 9. M. Cavagna and S. Baroni, Milan, suggest that the visual magnitude oscillated between 8.8 and 9.2 on Sept. 4.9 UT. NOTICE TO TELEGRAM SUBSCRIBERS Effective immediately, the per-message cost to telegram subscribers outside North America will be $7.00 by telex or delayed-delivery cablegram and $11.00 by full-rate cablegram; there will be a surcharge in the case of very long full-rate cablegrams. North American rates remain at $7.00 for full-rate telegrams and $2.00 for mailgrams, but the TWX/telex rate will be increased to $3.00. 1979 September 13 (3403) Brian G. Marsden
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