Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3418: Ori A; V1016 Cyg; SU Tau

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                                                  Circular No. 3418
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     S. H. Zisk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, reports
that the outburst in the 22-GHz H2O line (cf. IAUC 3415) was
confirmed by N. Cohen and himself at the Haystack Observatory on Oct.
24, when an intensity of 1 x 10**6 Jy was measured.  There was no
anomaly in the 43-GHz SiO line.

     W. A. Feibelman, Goddard Space Flight Center, communicates:
"Image-tube spectrograms of V1016 Cyg, taken by A. Mallama with the
0.9-m reflector on June 25, 26 and Sept. 24, show the Balmer series
to H-20, as well as emission lines of He I, He II, [O I], [O II],
[O III], [Ne III], [A IV], [A V] and others.  Numerous lines of
[Fe I I], [Fe III], [Fe VI] and [Fe VII] are prominent.  Of
particular interest are the lines at 682.3 and 682.9 nm, attributed by
Ciatti et al. (A. & Ap. in press) to Ca X, in addition to a very
strong line at 685.6 nm, also due to Ca X.  Another strong line at
670.2 nm is tentatively identified as the coronal [Ni XV] line.
The two last-named lines do not show on a spectrogram obtained by
Ciatti et al. on Jan. 12.  The [Ni XV] line implies temperatures of
the order of 10**6 K.  Continued optical, as well as radio,
ultraviolet and x-ray observations, seem desirable."

     G. H. Herbig, Lick Observatory, writes: "The spectrum of SU
Tau was observed in the yellow-red region on Oct. 2 with the coude
spectrograph on the 3-m reflector at a dispersion of 3.4 x 10**-6.
The visual magnitude was ~ 14.5, or some 4.5-5 mag below maximum
light.  The spectrum consists of sharp emission lines on an
(underexposed) continuum.  It closely resembles that of R CrB at the deep
(8 mag) minimum of that star in 1977, except that the intense Na I
emission lines in SU Tau lack the complex structure seen in R CrB.
The other bright emission lines are due to Ba II, Sc II, Ti II and
(weakly) Fe II.  There is no sign of H-alpha emission.

     Photoelectric observations made by A. R. Landolt with the 1.5-m
telescope at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory on Oct.
23.330 UT gave V = 16.9, B-V ~ +0.6.

1979 October 30                (3418)              Brian G. Marsden

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