Circular No. 3433 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 1979 XB K. Russell, U.K. Schmidt Telescope Unit, provides the following precise positions, obtained with the l.2-m Schmidt telescope at Siding Spring: 1979 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Dec. 11.51059 4 24 04.83 -29 36 08.7 11.55573 4 23 25.28 -29 42 08.5 13.44144 3 46 10.73 -34 55 38.9 13.44838 3 45 59.17 -34 57 01.4 14.43661 3 11 23.42 -38 40 02.9 14.44355 3 11 04.67 -38 41 45.5 15.41910 2 16 43.39 -42 40 34.2 15.41979 2 16 40.57 -42 40 45.1 15.42049 2 16 37.60 -42 40 52.1 15.42118 2 16 34.70 -42 41 03.6 15.42187 2 16 31.63 -42 41 11.7 15.42257 2 16 28.70 -42 41 23.0 15.42326 2 16 25.80 -42 41 31.7 15.42396 2 16 23.02 -42 41 41.7 15.42465 2 16 19.77 -42 41 49.4 15.42535 2 16 16.93 -42 42 01.8 15.42604 2 16 13.75 -42 42 09.0 15.42951 2 15 58.84 -42 42 59.3 Orbital elements by the undersigned: T = 1980 Jan. 29.026 ET Peri. = 75.506 e = 0.71330 Node = 85.361 1950.0 a = 2.26244 AU Incl. = 24.866 n = 0.289626 q = 0.64865 AU P = 3.40 years 1979 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r Mag. Nov. 23 5 24.81 -16 01.2 0.335 1.254 18.9 28 5 20.76 -17 47.1 Dec. 3 5 12.64 -20 10.3 0.198 1.138 17.6 8 4 54.77 -24 08.4 13 3 57.37 -33 29.5 0.070 1.022 15.6 18 22 02.96 -37 42.8 23 19 00.90 - 4 56.0 0.083 0.908 17.9 Mag. = 20.0 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.023 (phase angle) 1979 December 17 (3433) Brian G. Marsden
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