Circular No. 3453 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 1980 AA Extension of the ephemeris on IAUC 3447: 1980 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r B Feb. 21 9 38.18 - 2 02.9 Mar. 2 9 50.69 - 3 10.9 0.213 1.195 17.5 12 10 01.26 - 3 23.2 22 10 11.66 - 3 13.0 0.335 1.301 18.8 Apr. 1 10 22.83 - 3 00.6 11 10 34.91 - 2 56.0 0.499 1.419 20.0 21 10 47.93 - 3 03.6 May 1 11 01.81 - 3 24.8 0.706 1.540 21.0 COMET BRADFIELD (1979l) Ephemeris continuation from the elements on MPC 5176: 1980 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Feb. 26 3 41.16 +21 02.5 Mar. 2 3 44.88 +22 29.7 1.382 1.522 10.0 7 3 48.63 +23 39.5 12 3 52.45 +24 37.5 1.730 1.677 10.9 17 3 56.36 +25 27.1 22 4 00.35 +26 10.6 2.063 1.827 11.7 27 4 04.42 +26 49.5 Apr. 1 4 08.56 +27 24.8 2.378 1.974 12.3 6 4 12.75 +27 57.3 11 4 16.99 +28 27.5 2.672 2.118 12.9 16 4 21.27 +28 56.0 21 4 25.58 +29 22.9 2.943 2.258 13.4 26 4 29.90 +29 48.5 May 1 4 34.23 +30 13.2 3.190 2.395 13.8 A. C. Danks and W. Wamsteker, European Southern Observatory. provide the following infrared magnitudes, obtained with the INSB photometer on the 1-m telescope. The measurements were centered on the visible nucleus in a 12" diaphragm with a 13" chop. An integration time of 5 s was used, and the telescope tracking rate was adjusted to maintain the comet in the diaphragm. Jan. 27.131 UT, H = 11.53 +/- 0.06; 27.135, K = 10.94 +/- 0.10; 27.154, L = 7.34 +/- 0.25. 1980 February 15 (3453) Brian G. Marsden
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