Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits


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Read IAUC 3454  SEARCH Read IAUC 3456
IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3455
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     K. Aksnes, Division for Electronics, Norwegian Defence Research
Establishment, provides the following continuation to the
ephemeris on IAUC 3360.  It should be noted that the absolute
positions are not astrometric (cf. IAUC 3408) but geometric; the
offsets dR.A. cos Decl. and dDecl. from the center of Neptune have, however,
been corrected for light time.

     1980 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.  dR.A. cos Decl.  dDecl.
     Mar.  2    17 26.07    -21 49.8    + 56"3        + 43"8
          12    17 26.48    -21 49.8    + 40.5        + 44.5
          22    17 26.64    -21 49.5    + 23.8        + 45.0
     Apr.  1    17 26.56    -21 49.1    +  6.4        + 45.2
          11    17 26.25    -21 48.5    - 11.6        + 45.1
          21    17 25.72    -21 47.7    - 30.1        + 44.8
     May   1    17 25.00    -21 46.9    - 48.7        + 44.2
          11    17 24.11    -21 45.9    - 67.3        + 43.2
          21    17 23.08    -21 44.9    - 85.4        + 42.0
          31    17 21.96    -21 43.9    -102.6        + 40.3
     June 10    17 20.80    -21 42.8    -118.5        + 38.2
          20    17 19.62    -21 41.9    -132.4        + 35.6
          30    17 18.48    -21 41.0    -143.5        + 32.3
     July 10    17 17.42    -21 40.3    -150.8        + 28.3
          20    17 16.49    -21 39.7    -152.6        + 23.4
          30    17 15.71    -21 39.4    -145.9        + 17.2
     Aug.  9    17 15.13    -21 39.3    -124.1        +  9.3
          19    17 14.79    -21 39.5    - 69.2        -  0.7
          29    17 14.74    -21 39.9    + 38.5        -  8.0
     Sept. 8    17 14.88    -21 40.5    +115.6        -  6.1

     Further selected visual observations: Feb. 8.06 UT, m1 = 7.3,
D = 6'.6 (J. DeYoung, Palmyra, VA, 7 x 50 binoculars); 10.02, 7.3
7' (C. S. Morris, Prospect Hill Observatory, 20 x 80 binoculars);
12.03, 7.8, 6'.1 (DeYoung); 14.00, 8.0, 4'.5 (DeYoung); 16.03, 8.1,
7' (Morris); 18.00, 8.4, 7' (Morris); 20.04, 8.8, 4' (Morris, 0.25-m
f/7 reflector).  On Feb. 9.01 Morris (binoculars) noted tails 60'
long in p.a. 85o and 115o, on Feb. 14.00 (reflector) tails 30' long
in p.a. 43o and 100o.

1980 February 25               (3455)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 3454  SEARCH Read IAUC 3456

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