Circular No. 3665 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 COMETS HARTLEY (1982b, 1982c) Further computations by the undersigned have included attempts to represent the observations of comet 1982c with orbits fitted to the observations of comet 1982b and a change in perihelion time T. The best representation comes from the orbit with e = 0.59 (cf. IAUC 3664) and T changed to 1982 Apr. 1.888 ET; residuals are ~ l" on Feb. 5 and 6 but almost 15" (mainly in Decl.) on Feb. 7. The resulting ephemeris is Feb. 10, R.A. = 12h44m.3l, Decl. = - 9o00'.9; 15, 12h59m.72, -11o26'.0; 20, 13h16m.29, -13o59'.6; 25, 13h34m.15, -16o40'.1; Mar. 2, 13h53m.38, -19o24'.6, with the comet brightening to m1 ~ 16. Z. Sekanina, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, remarks that it is virtually certain that the two comets separated from a single object and that, unless there was a significant separation velocity in the orbit plane at the time of splitting, the primary (i.e., most massive) component must in fact be the currently fainter comet 1982c; he anticipates that comet 1982b will fade rapidly. He confirms a discordance in the observations of one of the comets on Feb. 7 and suggests that separation occurred in late 1976. The orbit with e = 0.59 indicates that the relative separation acceleration was 7 (+/- 4) x 10**-5 units of solar attraction, and the results seem to be substantially less satisfactory if e is assumed to be greater than 0.63. 1982 BB Precise positions obtained by J. Gibson at Palomar: 1982 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Feb. 2.38615 10 35 34.92 +20 54 10.6 3.30489 10 34 03.29 +21 33 22.0 3.50975 10 33 41.20 +21 42 00.8 Computations by the undersigned (using also the rough position on IAUC 3660) show this to be an Apollo-type object (T = 1981 Sept. 24.1 ET, Peri. = 252o.7, Node = 130o.0, Incl. = 22o.5, q = 0.901 AU, e = 0.372). 1982 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r Mag. Feb. 10 10 22.08 +26 02.4 0.561 1.533 15.9 15 10 12.69 +28 57.9 20 10 03.45 +31 26.9 0.616 1.581 16.2 25 9 54.81 +33 28.0 Mar. 2 9 47.18 +35 02.1 0.694 1.626 16.7 1982 February 11 (3665) Brian G. Marsden
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