Circular No. 3666 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 1982 CA Eleanor Helin, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, reports that she has discovered a fast-moving asteroidal object on an exposure with the 1.2-m Schmidt telescope at Palomar as follows: 1982 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Feb. 13.24375 10 13.8 +30 15 18.5 The daily motion is 1o.88 westward (and slightly southward); the sense of motion seems to be unambiguous. 1978 DA J. Gibson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, informs us that he has recovered this Alinda-type object at Palomar as follows: 1982 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Feb. 2.52781 15 29 39.39 -18 19 52.8 19.5 3.53892 15 35 42.31 -18 12 26.0 The indicated correction to the prediction (MPC 5840, IAUC 3653, IAUC 3658) is Delta-T = -0.43 day. A revised ephemeris follows: 1982 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r Mag. Feb. 15 16 42.41 -15 56.0 20 17 09.65 -14 33.1 0.695 1.030 19.6 25 17 35.36 -13 01.5 Mar. 2 17 59.42 -11 24.6 0.726 1.023 19.7 7 18 21.82 - 9 45.7 12 18 42.60 - 8 07.1 0.767 1.032 19.8 17 19 01.86 - 6 30.3 22 19 19.68 - 4 56.4 0.812 1.057 19.9 27 19 36.13 - 3 26.1 Apr. 1 19 51.32 - 1 59.7 0.855 1.097 20.0 11 20 18.19 + 0 40.2 21 20 40.79 + 3 03.1 0.923 1.208 20.3 May 1 20 59.34 + 5 08.3 11 21 13.95 + 6 54.6 0.955 1.348 20.5 21 21 24.64 + 8 20.5 31 21 31.18 + 9 22.3 0.953 1.502 20.5 1982 February 16 (3666) Brian G. Marsden
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