Circular No. 3709 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 POSSIBLE SUPERNOVA IN ANONYMOUS GALAXY J. Maza, Department of Astronomy, University of Chile, telexes that M. Wlschnjewsky has discovered a possible supernova in a faint, anonymous galaxy at R. A. 20h07m.2, Decl. -55o46' (equinox 1950.0), from a plate taken by L. E. Gonzalez. The object is 9" west and 9" south of the galaxy's nucleus and is of mpg = 18.5. COMET AUSTIN (1982g) The following ephemeris, from the elements on IAUC 3708, is provided to aid observers in planning: 1982 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r Elong. m1 Aug. 9 7 37.23 +10 56.0 0.326 0.727 23.7 4.2 10 7 53.06 +15 09.8 11 8 09.71 +19 20.0 0.325 0.709 17.2 4.1 12 8 27.00 +23 19.4 13 8 44.71 +27 01.6 0.338 0.694 15.6 4.1 14 9 02.58 +30 21.9 15 9 20.34 +33 17.6 0.364 0.680 19.2 4.1 16 9 37.71 +35 48.1 17 9 54.44 +37 54.1 0.400 0.668 24.3 4.3 18 10 10.35 +39 37.5 19 10 25.28 +41 01.0 0.444 0.659 28.9 4.4 20 10 39.15 +42 07.1 21 10 51.91 +42 58.5 0.494 0.653 32.7 4.6 22 11 03.58 +43 37.6 23 11 14.18 +44 06.6 0.548 0.649 35.6 4.8 24 11 23.77 +44 27.2 25 11 32.41 +44 41.0 0.604 0.649 37.7 5.0 26 11 40.18 +44 49.2 27 11 47.16 +44 52.8 0.662 0.651 39.3 5.2 28 11 53.43 +44 52.7 29 11 59.04 +44 49.6 0.720 0.655 40.3 5.5 30 12 04.07 +44 44.1 31 12 08.59 +44 36.4 0.779 0.663 41.0 5.7 Sept. 1 12 12.64 +44 27.2 2 12 16.28 +44 16.5 0.837 0.673 41.5 5.9 m1 = 8.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r 1982 July 7 (3709) Daniel W. E. Green
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