Circular No. 3773 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 COMET BOWELL-SKIFF (1983c) Edward L. G. Bowell, Lowell Observatory, reports his discovery of a comet on exposures by Brian A. Skiff with the 0.33-m photographic telescope at the Anderson Mesa Station as follows: 1983 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m1 Feb. 11.27639 9 25 46.52 +18 36 49.6 16.2 11.30833 9 25 45.76 +18 36 48.9 15.26319 9 23 57.47 +18 31 21.8 16.5 15.29375 9 23 56.98 +18 31 21.8 The last right ascension is uncertain. The object is diffuse with slight condensation but no tail. PERIODIC COMET TEMPEL 1 (1982j) The following ephemeris is from MPC 7029 (elements on MPC 7022), except that the magnitude has been converted to m1. 1983 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Mar. 27 13 04.11 +15 16.0 0.843 1.811 12.5 Apr. 6 12 56.00 +15 50.0 16 12 46.92 +15 46.2 0.759 1.712 11.9 26 12 38.80 +14 54.8 May 6 12 33.31 +13 14.5 0.745 1.626 11.5 16 12 31.60 +10 49.9 26 12 34.19 + 7 49.1 0.778 1.558 11.3 June 5 12 41.02 + 4 21.1 15 12 51.78 + 0 33.9 0.841 1.512 11.3 25 13 06.11 - 3 25.0 July 5 13 23.55 - 7 28.5 0.928 1.492 11.4 15 13 43.80 -11 30.2 25 14 06.58 -15 23.0 1.039 1.499 11.7 Aug. 4 14 31.57 -19 01.1 14 14 58.56 -22 18.8 1.179 1.533 12.1 24 15 27.23 -25 11.5 Sept. 3 15 57.23 -27 35.3 1.351 1.591 12.7 1983 February 16 (3773) Brian G. Marsden
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