Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3773: 1983c; 1982j

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3773
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     Edward L. G. Bowell, Lowell Observatory, reports his discovery
of a comet on exposures by Brian A. Skiff with the 0.33-m
photographic telescope at the Anderson Mesa Station as follows:

      1983 UT            R.A.    (1950.0)     Decl.      m1

      Feb. 11.27639      9 25 46.52     +18 36 49.6     16.2
           11.30833      9 25 45.76     +18 36 48.9
           15.26319      9 23 57.47     +18 31 21.8     16.5
           15.29375      9 23 56.98     +18 31 21.8

The last right ascension is uncertain.  The object is diffuse
with slight condensation but no tail.

     The following ephemeris is from MPC 7029 (elements on MPC
7022), except that the magnitude has been converted to m1.

     1983 ET    R.A. (1950.0)  Decl.      p        r       m1

     Mar. 27    13 04.11    +15 16.0    0.843    1.811    12.5
     Apr.  6    12 56.00    +15 50.0
          16    12 46.92    +15 46.2    0.759    1.712    11.9
          26    12 38.80    +14 54.8
     May   6    12 33.31    +13 14.5    0.745    1.626    11.5
          16    12 31.60    +10 49.9
          26    12 34.19    + 7 49.1    0.778    1.558    11.3
     June  5    12 41.02    + 4 21.1
          15    12 51.78    + 0 33.9    0.841    1.512    11.3
          25    13 06.11    - 3 25.0
     July  5    13 23.55    - 7 28.5    0.928    1.492    11.4
          15    13 43.80    -11 30.2
          25    14 06.58    -15 23.0    1.039    1.499    11.7
     Aug.  4    14 31.57    -19 01.1
          14    14 58.56    -22 18.8    1.179    1.533    12.1
          24    15 27.23    -25 11.5
     Sept. 3    15 57.23    -27 35.3    1.351    1.591    12.7

1983 February 16               (3773)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 3772  SEARCH Read IAUC 3774

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