Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3774: (1620)

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3774
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     Recent observations at the Oak Ridge and Lowell Observatories
indicate that the published ephemeris (Efemeridy Malykh Planet for
1983, p. 253), based on observations 1951-1965, is in error by up
to 0.5 degree.  The following orbital elements, derived by the
undersigned from observations through 1976, are in excellent agreement
with the recent observations and should serve those making
physical observations during the object's current approach.

        T = 1983 May 17.93598 ET     Epoch 1983 Mar. 7.0 ET
    Peri. = 276.52775                    e =   0.3354120
    Node  = 336.76704   1950.0           a =   1.2445589 AU
    Incl. =  13.32756                    n =   0.70987339
        q =   0.8271189 AU               P =   1.388 years

     1983 ET    R.A. (1950.0)  Decl.      p        r      Mag.

     Feb. 25    11 01.39    + 6 38.9    0.162    1.150    13.2
     Mar.  2    10 39.04    + 0 31.3

           7    10 05.88    - 8 25.6    0.109    1.095    12.5
           8     9 57.53    -10 36.5
           9     9 48.51    -12 55.1    0.102    1.084    12.5
          10     9 38.77    -15 20.7
          11     9 28.27    -17 52.5    0.096    1.073    12.5
          12     9 16.97    -20 29.0
          13     9 04.85    -23 08.5    0.092    1.062    12.6
          14     8 51.89    -25 49.1
          15     8 38.09    -28 28.1    0.090    1.051    12.7
          16     8 23.47    -31 03.3
          17     8 08.09    -33 32.0    0.090    1.040    12.9
          18     7 52.02    -35 51.9
          19     7 35.37    -38 01.0    0.091    1.030    13.1
          20     7 18.28    -39 57.8
          21     7 00.90    -41 41.3    0.094    1.019    13.3
          22     6 43.42    -43 11.0
          23     6 26.00    -44 26.8    0.098    1.008    13.5
          24     6 08.82    -45 29.4
          25     5 52.05    -46 19.4    0.104    0.998    13.8
          26     5 35.80    -46 57.9
          27     5 20.13    -47 26.2    0.111    0.988    14.0
          28     5 05.22    -47 45.2
          29     4 51.07    -47 56.3    0.118    0.977    14.2

1983 February 22               (3774)              Brian G. Marsden

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