Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3808: 1983d

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3808
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1983 UT           R.A.   (1950.0)   Decl.      Observer

     Apr. 20.70278    19 07 48.9     +47 30 00      Kumamori
     May   6.24549    18 41 20.55    +56 33 02.1    Douglass
           9.83584    15 54 17.70    +72 54 22.8    Milet
           9.88824    15 42 53.02    +73 13 25.9      "
           9.90805    15 38 17.17    +73 20 00.1    Stattmayer
           9.91086    15 37 38.23    +73 20 52.7      "
           9.92009    15 35 30.26    +73 23 31.8    Manning
           9.93264    15 32 26.06    +73 27 50.4    Stattmayer
          10.44748    12 52 27.30    +72 54 50.5    Skiff
          10.85422    10 54 49.72    +65 14 48.7    Fabricius
          10.86092    10 53 21.96    +65 04 07.0    Milet
          10.86181    10 53 06.35    +65 02 05.1    Fabricius
          10.91771    10 40 56.73    +63 23 52.0      "
          10.96042    10 32 21.43    +62 04 04.9      "
          11.11667    10 05 24.83    +56 44 10.4    Douglass
          11.14792    10 00 40.20    +55 33 58.2      "
          11.88261     8 53 09.18    +24 45 35.6    McNaught
          11.88298     8 53 07.79    +24 44 41.3      "
          11.88461     8 53 00.54    +24 40 37.5    Stattmayer
          11.88527     8 52 58.18    +24 39 00.7      "
          12.14601     8 40 15.91    +14 48 07.8    Skiff
          12.33706     8 32 52.14    + 8 36 54.0    Gilmore
          12.33996     8 32 45.76    + 8 31 30.0      "

T. Kumamori (Muro, Nara).  Prediscovery observation.  Long. 136.00 deg
   east, lat. 34.57 deg north, height 400 m.  Measurer: H. Kosai.
G. Douglass (U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington).  0.20-m
   astrograph. Measurer: R. S. Harrington.
B. Milet (Nice Observatory).
P. Stattmayer (Herrsching).  Long. 11deg11'39" east, 47deg59'38"
   north, height 585 m.  Measurer: R. M. West.
B. Manning (Stakenbridge).  0.26-m reflector.
B. A. Skiff (Lowell Observatory, Anderson Mesa Station).  0.33-m
   photographic telescope.  Measurer: C. Shoemaker.
J. Fabricius (Skalnate Pleso Observatory).  Measurer: J. Svoren.
R. McNaught (Royal Greenwich Observatory).  Long. 0.348 deg east, lat.
   50.869 deg north, height 36 m (incorrectly given on IAUC 3804).
A. C. Gilmore and P. M. Kilmartin (Mt. John Observatory).

1983 May 13                    (3808)              Brian G. Marsden

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