Circular No. 3849 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 1983 LC Ephemeris continuation from the elements on MPC 8056: 1983 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r Mag. Aug. 4 6 31.52 +24 25.0 0.292 0.788 19.9 9 6 30.40 +23 41.4 14 6 33.03 +23 07.0 0.405 0.766 20.1 19 6 38.38 +22 38.1 24 6 45.69 +22 12.2 0.521 0.779 20.3 29 6 54.32 +21 47.5 Sept. 3 7 03.73 +21 22.7 0.628 0.824 20.6 8 7 13.46 +20 57.4 13 7 23.17 +20 31.5 0.721 0.896 20.8 18 7 32.59 +20 05.0 23 7 41.55 +19 38.4 0.795 0.984 21.0 PERIODIC COMET RUSSELL 3 (1983i) Ephemeris continuation from the elements on MPC 8052: 1983 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Aug. 4 20 05.34 - 1 48.6 14 19 58.91 - 2 08.5 2.033 2.977 16.3 24 19 54.06 - 2 37.0 Sept. 3 19 51.16 - 3 09.9 2.222 3.037 16.6 13 19 50.40 - 3 43.7 23 19 51.78 - 4 15.2 2.486 3.097 16.9 Oct. 3 19 55.16 - 4 42.2 13 20 00.37 - 5 03.0 2.796 3.159 17.2 23 20 07.17 - 5 16.4 Nov. 2 20 15.33 - 5 21.8 3.128 3.222 17.6 12 20 24.63 - 5 18.8 22 20 34.87 - 5 07.4 3.460 3.285 17.9 PERIODIC COMET TEMPEL 2 (1982d) Total visual magnitude estimates: July 10.31 UT, 9.0 (C. S. Morris, Harvard, MA, 0.25-m reflector); 14.31, 8.8 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY, 20 x 80 binoculars); 17.30, 9.0 (Bortle); 20.43, 8.8 (D. Machholz, Loma Prieta, CA, 0.15-m reflector); 22.30, 9.8 (Morris); 22.46, 8.8 (Machholz). 1983 August 5 (3849) Brian G. Marsden
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