Circular No. 3850 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 PERIODIC COMET WOLF (1983m) J. Gibson informs us that he has recovered this comet with the 1.2-m Schmidt telescope at Palomar as follows: 1983 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m2 Aug. 1.23479 18 16 41.11 +14 04 45.2 20 3.21257 18 15 45.60 +13 54 31.4 The object is essentially stellar in appearance and close to the prediction by E. I. Kazimirchak-Polonskaya (MPC 7659, 7666). GK PERSEI M. G. Watson and A. Smith, University of Leicester, and the EXOSAT Observatory Team report the discovery of a 351-s periodicity in GK Per. This 1901 nova, which is currently having a minor optical outburst (IAUC 3840, 3848), was observed for 7.5 hr during Aug. 9.17-9.48 UT with the Medium Energy Experiment on board EXOSAT. A preliminary analysis gives for the x-ray minima the ephemeris JD 2445555.6737 (+/- 0.0002) + 0.004066 (+/- 0.000001) E. The x-ray modulation is approximately sinusoidal, with 50 percent pulse fraction (zero-to-peak ratio of the pulse-signal amplitude to the full amplitude). The mean 2-10-keV x-ray flux was ~ 7 ;Jy, indicating an x-ray brightening correlated with the current optical outburst. For information concerning future EXOSAT observations of GK Per, contact the Observatory Team at ESOC, Darmstadt: telephone 49-6151-886705, telex (West Germany) 419453 ESOC D. OCCULTATION OF 14 PISCIUM BY (51) NEMAUSA ON 1983 SEPT. 11 IAU Commission 20 Occultations Working Group Bull. No. 31 contains an alternative prediction for this event (cf. IAUC 3834). This prediction, derived by G. E. Taylor, Royal Greenwich Observatory, from astrometry by A. R. Klemola at Lick Observatory on June 17, gives for the central line (west longitude, north latitude): UT Long. Lat. UT Long. Lat. 7 43 03 48.80 45.32 7 48 03 102.51 20.18 7 44 03 68.31 39.43 7 49 03 108.42 15.88 7 45 03 79.95 34.16 7 50 03 114.01 11.69 7 46 03 88.75 29.26 7 51 03 119.44 7.57 7 47 03 96.06 24.62 1983 August 12 (3850) Brian G. Marsden
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