Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3853: 1983 LB; N Mus 1983; Var STAR IN Ara

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3853
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

1983 LB
     Ephemeris continuation from the elements on MPC 8056:

     1983 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r      Mag.

     Aug.  4    14 27.6     -74 48.7    0.417    1.195    18.3
           9    14 27.9     -77 32.7
          14    14 35.8     -80 04.0    0.466    1.202    18.5
          19    14 57.2     -82 23.5
          24    15 44.8     -84 25.7    0.514    1.218    18.7
          29    17 23       -85 48.0
     Sept. 3    19 43       -85 45.0    0.560    1.244    18.9
           8    21 24.4     -84 13.2
          13    22 16.6     -81 55.1    0.604    1.277    19.1
          18    22 44.7     -79 14.5
          23    23 01.6     -76 20.0    0.649    1.318    19.3
          28    23 12.9     -73 15.0
     Oct.  3    23 21.3     -70 01.4    0.696    1.364    19.4
           8    23 28.02    -66 40.7
          13    23 33.88    -63 14.4    0.751    1.415    19.6
          18    23 39.28    -59 44.3
          23    23 44.45    -56 12.2    0.814    1.469    19.8
          28    23 49.52    -52 39.7
     Nov.  2    23 54.59    -49 08.4    0.889    1.527    20.0

     E. Budding, Carter Observatory, Wellington, provides the
following averaged photometric observations, obtained at the Black
Birch Observatory: Jan. 22.616 (heliocentric) UT, V = 8.71, B-V =
+0.19, U-B = -0.82; 30.538, 9.22, +0.11, -0.71; 31.519, 9.11,
+0.17, -0.75; Feb. 2.532, 9.17, +0.15, -0.66; 5.573, 9.40, +0.55,
-0.97.  The brightness was essentially constant over 0.08 day on
Jan. 22, but minor fluctuations were noted within minutes on Feb.
5.  Comparison stars were HD 102249, 102584 and 103402.

     W. Liller, Vina del Mar, Chile, writes that spectrograms of
this object (IAUC 3840, 3844, 3847) obtained by J. Jugaku at Cerro
Tololo in late July show the strong series of TiO bands
characteristic of a very cool, long-period variable.

1983 August 17                 (3853)              Brian G. Marsden

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