Circular No. 3861 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 1983 RB C. Shoemaker reports her discovery of a fast-moving asteroidal object on exposures by E. Shoemaker and herself with the 0.46-m Schmidt telescope at Palomar. A plate was taken by E. Shoemaker with the 1.2-m Schmidt on Sept. 9.39, and S. J. Bus assisted with further 0.46-m Schmidt observations. The object was later also photographed by B. A. Skiff at the Lowell Observatory's Anderson Mesa Station. All the available plates have been measured by C. Shoemaker: 1983 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. Mag. Observer Sept. 7.15417 22 04 12.22 + 0 48 01.1 15.5 Shoemaker 7.17430 22 04 14.36 + 0 46 32.6 " 9.39236 22 08 12.11 - 1 47 34.8 " 9.46319 22 08 19.21 - 1 52 17.5 " 9.46740 22 08 19.62 - 1 52 34.3 " 11.24792 22 11 25.29 - 3 46 45.6 Skiff 11.30069 22 11 30.05 - 3 49 59.2 " 12.23194 22 13 04.29 - 4 46 19.6 " The following orbital elements, by C. M. Bardwell, Center for Astrophysics, show that the object is of Amor type: T = 1983 July 7.982 ET Peri. = 114.367 e = 0.49176 Node = 168.995 1950.0 a = 2.14874 AU Incl. = 18.989 n = 0.312917 q = 1.09206 AU P = 3.15 years 1983 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r Mag. Sept.13 22 14.33 - 5 30.8 0.326 1.322 15.5 18 22 22.14 - 9 47.2 23 22 29.38 -13 07.9 0.406 1.382 16.2 28 22 36.19 -15 41.4 Oct. 3 22 42.72 -17 35.7 0.504 1.445 16.8 8 22 49.10 -18 57.8 13 22 55.41 -19 53.6 0.616 1.510 17.5 GK PERSEI Further visual magnitude estimates by C. E. Spratt, Victoria, BC: Sept. 5.21 UT, 12.1; 6.24, 12.2. 1983 September 14 (3861) Brian G. Marsden
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