Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3862: 1983 RD

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3862
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

1983 RD
     R. S. Dunbar reports his discovery on Sept. 12 of a fast-
moving asteroidal object with the 1.2-m Palomar Schmidt and
provides the semiaccurate positions below.  Photometry by A. Harris
at Table Mountain Observatory on Sept. 13.3 UT gave V ~ 12.0.
Prediscovery images were found and measured (trail ends) by C. S.
Shoemaker on 0.46-m Schmidt plates by E. Shoemaker and herself:

    1983 UT            R.A.  (1950.0)  Decl.    Mag. Observer

    Sept. 7.31250   23 45 13.38   +15 15 54.6   14   Shoemaker
          7.31527   23 45 15.42   +15 15 47.4          "
          7.33055   23 45 23.34   +15 15 08.1          "
          7.33333   23 45 25.25   +15 15 01.5          "
         12.41944    0 38 43.1    +10 39 20     13   Dunbar
         12.46111    0 39 10.2    +10 36 27            "
         13.25764    0 48 18.7    + 9 43 07            "
         13.26806    0 48 24.7    + 9 42 30            "
         13.33542    0 49 09.3    + 9 37 57            "
         13.35625    0 49 21.8    + 9 36 30            "

     The following tentative orbital elements by the undersigned
show that this is another Amor-type object:

           T = 1983 Sept. 28.43 ET
       Peri. = 193.98                    e =   0.3699
       Node  = 173.00   1950.0           a =   1.6790 AU
       Incl. =   7.86                    n =   0.45303
           q =   1.0580 AU               P =   2.18 years

     1983 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r      Mag.

     Sept.13     0 45.30    +10 01.6    0.070    1.070    12.9
          14     0 56.68    + 8 52.1
          15     1 08.17    + 7 39.4    0.068    1.067    12.9
          16     1 19.67    + 6 24.1
          17     1 31.13    + 5 07.0    0.068    1.064    12.9
          18     1 42.48    + 3 48.9
          19     1 53.65    + 2 30.6    0.068    1.062    13.0
          20     2 04.57    + 1 12.7
          21     2 15.20    - 0 04.0    0.069    1.061    13.1
          22     2 25.50    - 1 18.8
          23     2 35.42    - 2 31.4    0.072    1.059    13.3

1983 September 14              (3862)              Brian G. Marsden

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