Circular No. 3927 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 COMET RUSSELL (1984d) The following precise positions have been measured by C.-Y. Shao from exposures by G. Schwartz with the 0.40-m astrograph at the Oak Ridge Observatory. The first exposure was badly guided and the image impossible to measure very accurately. 1984 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m1 Mar. 12.24195 13 30 36.84 + 0 59 45.6 12.35962 13 30 34.05 + 0 59 52.1 14 PERIODIC COMET CROMMELIN (1983n) P. A. Wehinger, Arizona State University, communicates that long-slit (4'5) CCD spectra were obtained with the Kitt Peak National Observatory's 4-m telescope and cryogenic camera on Feb. 24.1, Mar. 2.1 and 3.1 by H. Spinrad, S. Wyckoff, M. J. S. Belton and himself. In addition to the molecular emission features reported on IAUC 3914, moderately weak HWO+ emission bands (9-0) through (6-0) were detected in the antisolar direction extending < 100" from the coma over the spectral range 500-720 nm at 1.5-nm resolution. The spectra were recorded with slit orientations at p.a. 77.0, 84.5 and 85.1 on the three nights, respectively. He adds that direct images (in B and R) were also obtained with the Kitt Peak No. 1 0.91-m telescope and RCA CCD on Feb. 24.1 and Mar. 3.1 by W. Romanishin and M. Sitko. On the first night two 60-s integrations were obtained. The Mar. 3.1 images (120-s integrations) showed a weaker plasma tail at ~ p.a 85 and a very weak tail-like feature at p.a 30 in R. The B images were symmetrical on both Feb. 24 and Mar. 3. Total visual magnitude estimates: Mar. 8.03 UT, 8.4 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY, 20 x 80 binoculars); 11.18, 8.7 (C. S. Morris, Whitaker Peak, CA, 0.20-m reflector). PERIODIC COMET WILD 2 (1983s) Wehinger and his colleagues using the KPNO 4-m reflector note that on Jan. 4 and Mar. 4 this comet had a well-developed dust coma with tail structure oriented in p.a. 96. Spectra on both nights showed a strong continuum. [O I] 630 nm was detected on Jan. 4. Photometry on Mar. 4 gave V = 14.4 (total) and 17.7 (nuclear). 1984 March 13 (3927) Brian G. Marsden
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