Circular No. 3958 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 COMET AUSTIN (1984i) The following precise positions have been reported: 1984 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m1 Observer July 8.89358 4 58 01.49 -38 40 03.3 8 Birch 9.76713 5 34 55.34 -37 37 14.8 8 Gilmore 9.79896 5 36 14.95 -37 34 14.6 " 10.76493 6 15 44.47 -35 32 54.6 8 " 10.77778 6 16 14.62 -35 30 58.6 " 10.79479 6 16 54.51 -35 28 31.6 " P. Birch (Perth Observatory). Communicated by M. P. Candy. A. C. Gilmore (Mount John University Observatory). 0.6-m reflector. Measurer: P. M. Kilmartin. Comet diffuse with condensation but lacking a sharp condensation on the July 9 films. Visual estimates by the discoverer (0.15-m refractor) on July 9.7 UT gave m1 = 6.5, coma diameter 12'. Parabolic elements by B. G. Marsden from the above positions: T = 1984 Aug. 12.13 ET Peri. = 352.83 Node = 170.57 1950.0 q = 0.2912 AU Incl. = 164.11 1984 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 July 9 5 02.45 -38 35.0 0.258 0.951 6.8 10 5 44.61 -37 13.3 11 6 24.85 -34 57.0 0.258 0.909 6.6 12 7 01.10 -32 00.9 13 7 32.40 -28 44.4 0.279 0.867 6.6 14 7 58.76 -25 24.9 15 8 20.69 -22 14.0 0.317 0.824 6.7 16 8 38.87 -19 18.0 17 8 53.98 -16 39.0 0.368 0.781 6.8 18 9 06.61 -14 17.0 19 9 17.22 -12 10.6 0.426 0.737 6.8 20 9 26.20 -10 18.1 21 9 33.83 - 8 37.5 0.490 0.693 6.9 22 9 40.35 - 7 07.1 23 9 45.93 - 5 45.4 0.557 0.648 6.8 24 9 50.72 - 4 30.9 25 9 54.83 - 3 22.5 0.626 0.603 6.8 1984 July 11 (3958) Brian G. Marsden
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