Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3959: H0850-42; 1984 KD

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3959
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     K. S. Wood and J. P. Norris, Naval Research Laboratory,
Washington, write: "During a systematic search of HEAO A-1 point
maneuver data we have found a new x-ray pulsar.  It has been
detected at least ten separate times.  The period has a mean value
of 1.779 s and ranges from 1.7787 to 1.7794 s, indicating that the
source is in a binary system.  The position is restricted to a
region with corners at R.A. = 8h30m, Decl. = -46.5; R.A. = 8h38m, Decl. =
-47.5; R.A. = 8h54m, Decl. = -38.0; R.A. = 9h04m, Decl. = -39.5.  The
center of this region is the most likely position, and we therefore
designate the source as H0850-42.  The mean measured x-ray pulsed flux
is roughly 0.05 Uhuru flux units.  The true flux, corrected for
responses, should be 3 to 10 times higher than this, depending on
the precise position.  Further x-ray observations are needed to
refine the position and determine the orbit parameters."

1984 KD
     Ephemeris continuation from the orbital elements on MPC 8909:

     1984 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r      Mag.

     July  9     3 45.00    -46 33.8    0.127    1.010    15.6
          14     3 36.79    -44 07.8
          19     3 31.58    -42 24.8    0.184    1.024    16.3
          24     3 27.73    -41 09.5
          29     3 24.34    -40 13.7    0.236    1.053    16.7
     Aug.  3     3 20.84    -39 32.1
           8     3 16.87    -39 00.6    0.282    1.094    17.0
          13     3 12.18    -38 36.7
          18     3 06.55    -38 18.1    0.324    1.146    17.2
          23     2 59.79    -38 02.2
          28     2 51.81    -37 46.2    0.362    1.206    17.3
     Sept. 2     2 42.61    -37 26.6
           7     2 32.35    -37 00.3    0.401    1.272    17.5
          12     2 21.27    -36 24.8
          17     2 09.67    -35 38.2    0.444    1.342    17.7
          22     1 57.90    -34 39.3
          27     1 46.36    -33 27.7    0.497    1.415    17.9
     Oct.  2     1 35.45    -32 04.1
           7     1 25.49    -30 30.2    0.563    1.489    18.2

1984 July 11                   (3959)              Brian G. Marsden

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