Circular No. 3976 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 NOVA VULPECULAE 1984 The following photoelectric observations have been reported: 1984 UT V U - B B - V V - R R - I Observer Aug. 2.29 7.23 -0.32 +0.56 +0.49 +0.29 Robb 3.26 7.24 -0.43 +0.58 +0.49 +0.32 " 4.33 6.95 -0.48 +0.55 +0.48 +0.33 " 5.28 6.43 -0.42 +0.53 +0.45 +0.29 " 6.21 6.69 +0.12 +0.63 +0.49 +0.23 " 6.89 7.29 +1.04 Gregory 8.39 8.33 -0.67 +0.67 +0.84 +0.63 Robb 9.22 8.43 -0.80 +0.64 +0.88 +0.66 " 10.24 8.62 -0.87 +0.60 +0.93 +0.63 " 12.43 8.70 -0.72 +0.43 +0.87 +0.30 " 13.20 8.11 -0.71 +0.44 +0.67 +0.22 " 13.89 8.03 -0.55 +0.36 Schnell 15.92 8.36 -0.49 +0.34 " R. M. Robb and L. B. G. Knee (University of Victoria). 0.51-m Cassegrain reflector at the Climenhaga Observatory. The R measurements are strongly filter-dependent because of the H-alpha emission. The comparison stars used were SAO 87213 and 87211. C. Gregory (near the Observatoire de Haute Provence). A. Schnell and H. Stockenhuber (Figl Observatory, Vienna). Spectroscopic observations by E. M. Leibowitz, P. A. Ibbetson and S. Ben Gigi with the Digicon camera at the Wise Observatory show an increase by a factor of three in the intensity of Fe II emission relative to the Balmer lines between July 31 and Aug. 1, followed by a steady decline in the ratio (up to Aug. 13). Strong He I 588-nm emission was present at ~ 15 percent of the intensity of H-beta on Aug. 8 but not during July 31-Aug. 2 and on Aug. 13. NOTICE CONCERNING TELEGRAMS It is once again an 'open season' for making changes in the list of subscribers to the Central Bureau's telegram service. Subscribers who wish to make address changes, category changes, etc., are requested to inform us of said changes by Sept. 30. We regret that a charge of S50.00 must be made for address changes and deletions (but not additions) outside these biannual seasons. 1984 August 20 (3976) Brian G. Marsden
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