Circular No. 3975 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 COMET AUSTIN (1984i) E. P. Ney, University of Minnesota, reports the following infrared magnitudes, obtained on Aug. 10.8 UT using a 26"-diameter diaphragm: 1.2 microns, 4.8; 1.6 microns, 4.5; 2.2 microns, 3.5; 3.5 microns, 0.4; 4.8 microns, -1.2; 8.5 microns, -3.2; 10.5 microns, -3.6; 12.5 microns, -3.9. Comet 1984 is about 4 times dimmer than comet 1973 XII at the same distances from sun and earth and has a muted or missing silicate feature. The following orbital elements are taken from MPC 9026: T = 1984 Aug. 12.1346 ET Peri. = 353.1070 Node = 170.8769 1950.0 q = 0.291380 AU Incl. = 164.1578 1984 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Aug. 28 9 12.41 +22 46.3 1.346 0.552 8.1 30 9 07.68 +23 47.9 Sept. 1 9 03.07 +24 47.7 1.318 0.642 8.7 3 8 58.54 +25 46.3 5 8 54.04 +26 44.2 1.282 0.731 9.2 7 8 49.50 +27 42.0 9 8 44.89 +28 40.1 1.239 0.818 9.6 11 8 40.14 +29 38.8 13 8 35.20 +30 38.6 1.192 0.903 9.9 15 8 30.02 +31 39.7 17 8 24.53 +32 42.5 1.141 0.987 10.2 19 8 18.66 +33 47.1 21 8 12.33 +34 53.7 1.089 1.068 10.5 23 8 05.45 +36 02.5 25 7 57.94 +37 13.6 1.036 1.147 10.7 27 7 49.67 +38 26.6 29 7 40.53 +39 41.6 0.984 1.225 10.8 Oct. 1 7 30.39 +40 57.9 3 7 19.11 +42 14.9 0.935 1.301 11.0 5 7 06.53 +43 31.4 7 6 52.53 +44 46.2 0.891 1.375 11.1 9 6 36.98 +45 57.4 11 6 19.79 +47 02.6 0.855 1.448 11.3 13 6 00.95 +47 59.3 15 5 40.55 +48 44.6 0.829 1.520 11.4 1984 August 20 (3975) Brian G. Marsden
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