Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3987: 1976 XV = 1984m; 1984c

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3987
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     Elements from the new computations mentioned on IAUC 3986:

     Epoch = 1976 Sept. 19.0 ET     Epoch = 1984 Dec. 6.0 ET
         T = 1976 Sept. 5.066 ET        T = 1984 Dec. 6.482 ET
     Peri. =  57.232                Peri. =  57.368
     Node  =  80.569   1950.0       Node  =  80.423   1950.0
     Incl. =  11.861                Incl. =  11.840
         q =   1.20543 AU               q =   1.21265 AU
         e =   0.70425                  e =   0.70324
         a =   4.07580 AU               a =   4.08635 AU
         n =   0.119780                 n =   0.119317
         P =   8.23 years               P =   8.26 years

     1984/85 ET  R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     Sept.17     7 20.94    +20 50.3    1.719    1.582    13.2
          27     7 56.40    +20 34.4
     Oct.  7     8 34.13    +19 53.5    1.485    1.439    12.2
          17     9 13.88    +18 44.5
          27     9 55.14    +17 05.8    1.313    1.321    11.4
     Nov.  6    10 37.17    +14 58.9
          16    11 19.11    +12 28.9    1.212    1.242    10.8
          26    12 00.09    + 9 43.8
     Dec.  6    12 39.31    + 6 53.6    1.174    1.213    10.6
          16    13 16.25    + 4 07.8
          26    13 50.50    + 1 34.3    1.177    1.239    10.8
     Jan.  5    14 21.81    - 0 41.5
          15    14 50.04    - 2 37.2    1.190    1.316    11.2
          25    15 15.05    - 4 11.9
     Feb.  4    15 36.67    - 5 26.6    1.191    1.433    11.7
          14    15 54.75    - 6 23.4
          24    16 09.04    - 7 05.0    1.171    1.574    12.3
     Mar.  6    16 19.26    - 7 34.5
          16    16 25.17    - 7 55.3    1.136    1.731    12.9

     Total visual magnitude estimates and coma diameters: Aug.
25.21 UT, 13.6, 0.5 (C. S. Morris, Lockwood Valley, CA, 0.25-m
reflector); 28.20, 11.5:, 0.7 (R. Keen, Mt. Thorodin, CO, 0.30-m
reflector); 31.22, 13.5, 0.6 (Morris).

1984 September 12              (3987)              Brian G. Marsden

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