Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4018: TT Ari; 1984t

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4018
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     K. Beuermann and H. Weissieker, Technische Universitat,
Berlin, telex: "Photometry with the 1-m telescope at the European
Southern Observatory on Oct. 23.2 gave V = 13.22, B-V = +0.02,
U-B = -1.18.  CCD spectroscopy with the 3.6-m telescope on Oct.
23.2 and 24.2 showed intense Balmer emission lines with equivalent
widths of ~ 5 nm for H-alpha, H-beta and H-gamma and weaker emissions of
He I, He II and the 465-nm blend.  The wings of the Balmer lines now
extend to +/- 3500 km/s, suggesting that the accretion disk is building
up again but has not yet reached the former optically thick state."

     Visual magnitude estimates: Nov. 11.74 UT, 14.0 (M. Verdenet,
Bourbon-Lancy, France); 15.06, 13.6 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY);
20.06, 13.8 (Bortle); 24.77, 14.9 (Verdenet); 28.01, 14.8 (Bortle).

     Ephemeris continuation from the orbital elements on MPC 9293:

     1984/85 ET  R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     Dec.  6    18 38.80    +21 24.9    1.137    0.930     9.0
          11    18 36.28    +24 07.7
          16    18 33.40    +26 53.3    1.091    0.919     8.8
          21    18 30.12    +29 43.8
          26    18 26.33    +32 42.2    1.018    0.942     8.8
          31    18 21.91    +35 52.4
     Jan.  5    18 16.61    +39 19.7    0.925    0.997     8.8
          10    18 10.02    +43 10.6
          15    18 01.38    +47 32.8    0.821    1.077     8.9
          20    17 49.25    +52 34.3
          25    17 30.64    +58 20.5    0.720    1.174     9.0
          30    16 58.85    +64 46.0
     Feb.  4    15 57.4     +71 12.9    0.648    1.285     9.1
           9    13 55.5     +75 27.9
          14    11 22.0     +73 48.8    0.635    1.402     9.5
          19     9 48.86    +67 16.5
          24     9 03.97    +59 23.7    0.702    1.525    10.1
     Mar.  1     8 40.85    +51 50.5
           6     8 28.07    +45 10.5    0.841    1.650    10.8
          11     8 20.86    +39 29.7
          16     8 16.97    +34 43.4    1.032    1.777    11.6

1984 December 10               (4018)              Brian G. Marsden

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