Circular No. 4067 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 COMET MACHHOLZ (1985e) Donald E. Machholz reports his discovery of a comet from near Big Bear City, CA; the following visual observations are available: 1985 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m1 Observer May 27.4674 0 49.6 +15 08 ~9.5 Machholz 28.458 0 55.1 +15 35 Rattley 28.4708 0 55.3 +15 37 9.3 Machholz 28.493 0 55.2 +15 38 9.2 Morris D. E. Machholz. May 28 observation from San Jose, CA. Object diffuse, with no condensation or tail. 0.25-m f/3.8 reflector. C. Morris (near Mt. Wilson, CA). 0.25-m refl. Comet moderately condensed, but with no sharp condensation, coma diameter 4'.1. G. Rattley (Magma, AZ). 0.25-m reflector. Coma diameter about 2'-3'. Confirmation was also made by A. Hale (m1 = 9.1, 0.20-m refl., near Mt. Wilson, CA) and by J. Marling, Livermore, CA. RS OPHIUCHI M. A. J. Snijders, Royal Greenwich Observatory; A. Cassatella, B. J. M. Hassall and A. Harris, International Ultraviolet Explorer Observatory, Villafranca, telex the following, on behalf of the European IUE Target of Opportunity Team for Novae: "We report low- and high-resolution IUE observations of this recurrent nova following its recent outburst. Fine-error-sensor magnitudes are: Feb. 8, 7.3; 14, 7.8; 21, 8.2; Mar. 10, 9.2; 23, 9.4; Apr. 9, 10.0; May 1, 11.2; 17, 11.6. The initial observations on Feb. 8 showed a continuum flux larger by a factor of 35 (at 290 nm) than preoutburst observations in 1982 Oct. On May 17 the 290-nm continuum had returned to about the same level as in 1981 Apr. Estimates of the reddening from the 220-nm feature and line ratios indicate a value E(B-V) = 0.73. Emission lines in a wide range of ionization levels are observed. Those of higher ionization peak at later stages in the decline than those from lower ionization levels. Very high ionization forbidden lines from Fe XI, XII, and XIII are observed during the latest stage of the decline. The profiles of the lines are complicated, consisting of several components whose relative intensities change with time. Contrary to conditions with classical novae, the expansion velocities decrease with time, as was also observed during the 1958 outburst." 1985 May 28 (4067) Daniel W. E. Green
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